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87th Legislative Session Assessment Report
Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Legislative Priorities Committee: 87th Legislative Session Assessment Report
Dear Texas Republican,
Every two years at the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) state convention, our delegates vote on the priorities the party will advocate for during the upcoming legislative session. These priorities begin at the local level, when delegates to the precinct conventions can submit resolutions on issues of concern. These resolutions are moved up to the district/county convention, where delegates vote on the ones sent to the state convention.
At the state level, resolutions are given to the Legislative Priorities Committee, which is made up of delegates from each senate district in the state. This committee discusses the resolutions and takes public testimony from delegates. The issues are narrowed down to a list given to the state delegates to rank.
This past convention, 15 issues were presented to the delegates, and the top 8 were chosen by thousands of state delegates as our Legislative Priorities for the 87th Legislative Session.

These Legislative Priorities are:
- Election Integrity
- Religious Freedom
- Children and Gender Modification (banning medical practices)
- Abolition of Abortion
- Constitutional Carry
- Monument Protection
- School Choice for All
- Ban Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying
The responsibility of the Legislative Priorities committee is to work with our State Legislators in promoting passage of bills supporting these priorities. To that end, we have produced a report assessing the support of our Legislative Priorities by each of our legislators in the Senate and the House this past regular session. Please note that this assessment is limited to the eight legislative priorities. There are of course, many other important issues of concern to Republican voters, but our committee is limited to just those priorities chosen by our state delegates. To see the 76 bills identified as addressing our Legislative Priorities.
This Assessment is intended to provide information on how a particular Senator or Representative supported the bills addressing the Legislative Priorities and is not intended to express any sort of “ranking” as to who may or may not have supported the Legislative Priorities in any way.
We encourage you to review the work that those representing you did, as detailed in the individual detail sheets available by clicking on their name, and communicate with them as they head into the upcoming special session.
We were honored to work with several of our Representatives and Senators and their staff this session who were committed to our priorities, and we want to thank them for their efforts to carry out the will of the Republican voters of Texas. We hope this report will be informative to you and serve to further the dialogue with our legislators on the importance of our RPT Legislative Priorities.
For God and Texas,

Jill Glover
Chair, Legislative Priorities Committee
Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priority Committee 2020-22:
- Jill Glover – Chair
- Tanya Robertson – Vice Chair
- Tom Nobis – Secretary
- David Wylie
- Stephen Stanley
- Mark Dorazio
- Jon Ker
- Abraham George
- Gwen Withrow
- Janis Holt
- Susan Fountain
- Carmen Caldrone
- Jo Miller
- Chuck Blankenship
- Frank Lopez
- Terry Harper
- Naomi Narvaiz
- Sean Cheben
- Chris Breaux