Austin, Texas — January 22, 2025 Today, the Republican Party of Texas urged the Texas House of Representatives to adopt rules prohibiting the appointment of Democrats as committee chairs. This call follows repeated demands from grassroots conservatives, county party organizations, and Republican voters across the state, who overwhelmingly support ensuring that leadership in the Texas House reflects the principles and priorities of the Republican Party.

“Texans elected a strong Republican majority in the Texas House because they pledged to deliver on its promises of limited government, secure borders, and fiscal responsibility,” said Republican Party of Texas Chairman Abraham George. “Allowing Democrats to serve as committee chairs undermines the mandate given by voters and weakens the ability to advance the conservative agenda. It is past time for this practice to end.”

In the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Platform, a supermajority of delegates at the state convention approved making a ban on Democrat committee chairs a legislative priority.

Additionally, in the March 2024 primary election, a supermajority of Republican voters supported Proposition 6, which stated:

“The Republican-controlled Texas Legislature should end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats.”

Despite these clear directives from Republican voters, past sessions of the Texas House have seen Democrats appointed as chairs of key committees, granting them the power to stall or kill conservative legislation, including bills protecting the unborn, combating critical race theory, and securing elections.

“It is time for Texas House Republicans to unite around banning Democrat chairs and preventing them from undermining our Republican legislative agenda,” George continued. “By prohibiting Democrat chairs, the House can ensure that the will of Texans is not blocked by those who the voters rejected in the last election.”