WHEREAS, the State of Texas has enacted laws, such as the Texas Heartbeat Act, which protect unborn life while also ensuring the rights of women to receive necessary medical care for pregnancy complications, including miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies; and

WHEREAS, misinformation regarding Texas law has led to confusion among both medical professionals and patients, resulting in some women being misled into believing they can face criminal penalties for seeking medical treatment for pregnancy complications, including miscarriages; and

WHEREAS, some hospitals and emergency medical facilities have reportedly refused to provide adequate care to pregnant women experiencing complications, or have delayed treatment until a woman experiences sepsis or is otherwise in critical condition, out of a misplaced fear of non-existent legal repercussions; and

WHEREAS, a lack of clarity and communication about existing laws has created unnecessary suffering for pregnant women, with some experiencing prolonged pain, preventable complications, and, in rare cases, death due to inadequate or delayed medical care; and

WHEREAS, there are reports that some medical professionals and facilities may be intentionally allowing pregnant women to suffer, or providing insufficient care, as a means of advocating for more lenient abortion laws, thereby endangering women’s health and lives for political purposes; and

WHEREAS, every pregnant woman in Texas has a right to receive compassionate, timely, and medically necessary care for pregnancy complications, and healthcare providers have a duty to provide such care, as is already permitted and protected under Texas law; and

WHEREAS, clear and accessible communication in emergency medical settings is essential to ensuring that pregnant women are fully informed of their rights and can receive the care they need without fear or delay; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon all appropriate authorities within the State of Texas to take immediate and permanent action to ensure that pregnant women in emergency rooms across Texas are fully and accurately informed of their right to medical treatment for pregnancy complications, including miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and other emergencies; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all emergency rooms and emergency treatment facilities in Texas should be required to post clearly visible signs in both waiting rooms and treatment rooms, written in plain and easily understood language, with the sign consisting of two parts:


The upper portion of the sign, written in bold, large print, shall read:



Worried about legal stuff?

No worries.

You have the right to be treated.

We’re here to help.

No repercussions.”


The lower portion of the sign shall include the following statement:


“Under Texas law, all women have the right to receive emergency medical care for pregnancy complications, including miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies which meets the medical standard of care for each medical condition. No woman will face criminal penalties for seeking or receiving medical care in these circumstances. Medical providers are obligated to provide the medical standard of care to protect the health and life of the patient.”; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Department of State Health Services should be tasked with creating and distributing the standardized signs to all emergency medical facilities in the state, ensuring consistent and accurate messaging; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that healthcare providers and facilities should be educated and reminded of their obligation under Texas law to provide necessary care to pregnant women, and that any refusal to provide such care, or deliberate endangerment of women’s health for political purposes, will be subject to investigation for medical malpractice and appropriate penalties; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution reaffirms the Republican Party of Texas’ commitment to protecting both unborn life and the health and well-being of pregnant women, ensuring that no woman is denied appropriate care or made to suffer unnecessarily due to confusion, fear, or intentional neglect; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution shall be sent to the Governor of Texas, the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, and the Commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services to urge swift implementation of these measures.