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Resolution to Endorse Legislation to End Vaccine Mandates in Texas
- RTP Staff
WHEREAS, COVID-19 era injustice must be remedied; and
WHEREAS, Texas should reassert her state’s rights against the Federal government; and
WHEREAS, the Texas Constitution should be amended to protect Texans against vaccine tyranny; and
WHEREAS, the following bills are representative of the intent of the SREC:
• HB 81 (Brian Harrison) / SB 177 (Mayes Middleton)
• SB 1024 (Lois Kolkhorst), SB 1025 (Lois Kolkhorst), and SB 1026 (Lois Kolkhorst)
• HJR 114 (Steve Toth); now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas supports legislation with the intent to achieve these goals in the 88th session of the Texas Legislature.