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Resolution Holding the U.S. Government Financially and Criminally Responsible for Constitutional and Treasonous Violations to Texas and Its Citizens
- RTP Staff
WHEREAS, the current administration of President Joseph R. Biden, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and the subordinate organizations of the Department of Homeland Security, have, since the beginning of this administration in January 2021, maintained an open border policy, which is in direct contravention to established federal law, and
WHEREAS, this open border policy has allowed for the invasion of millions of illegal aliens, causing a massive negative economic impact to Texans: among those illegal aliens are known terrorists from nations hostile to the United States, narco-terror agents from the drug cartels operating on both sides of the United States border, and violent criminals, some of whom are being imported directly from the prisons of Central and South American countries; and
WHEREAS, this shortsighted, intentionally malevolent open border policy by the Federal government, under the direct leadership of President Biden, and implemented by Director Mayorkas, has led directly to the proliferation of criminal violence by persons illegally present in the United States of America; and
WHEREAS, reporting by Federal Customs and Border Protection documents the significant rise in violent criminal activity by those unlawfully present in this country, and a comparison of the incidence of criminal convictions from fiscal years 2017-2020 to fiscal years 2021-2024 conclusively demonstrates the alarming and scandalous increase in criminal activity by illegal aliens: assault and battery offenses by illegal aliens have increased from 1,723 to 4,442 (increase of 158%), illegal drug offenses have increased from 2,955 to 7,657 (increase of 159%), illegal weapons offenses have increased from 394 to 1,138 (increase of 189%), sexual offenses have increased from 431 to 1,317 (increase of 206%), and homicide/manslaughter offenses have increased from 11 to 174 (increase of 1,482%) [1]; and
WHEREAS, this administration and its leadership bear direct, tangible, functional, and material responsibility for the economic burden of their irresponsible open borders policy and the massive increase in criminal activity against citizens of the United States, and the news is rife with new stories coming out almost daily of yet another child raped and murdered, another citizen viciously attacked, or another drunk driving homicide perpetrated by someone this administration has, with callous disregard for national security and the individual safety of our citizens, intentionally, willfully, and purposely allowed to enter and remain in our country; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee urges, on behalf of those who elected us and who elected our Republican Representatives, Senators, Lieutenant Governor, Governor, and Attorney General, a retroactive accounting of the costs that our state of Texas has incurred to defend our border with the nation of Mexico since 10:49 a.m. on January 20, 2021, which is the exact time that Joe Biden took office as President of the United States of America; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this accounting shall include, but shall not be limited to, the cost of deploying troops and citizens, the cost to administer the legislative writs and acts implemented in Texas to mitigate the deleterious effects of the negligence of the U.S. Government, the costs of the executive actions of the Texas Governor to authorize various responses, including, but not limited to, transportation of illegal aliens and invaders to sanctuary cities inside and outside of Texas and the deportation of illegal aliens and invaders, the cost of damage caused to public and state property, the costs to our state, our counties, and our cities of managing the massive influx of aliens and invaders, including the hiring of additional staff, equipment, and the costs of incarceration; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee will document and bring grievances to the Texas Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and the Legislature on behalf of our Texas citizens who have been harmed by the negligence of the U.S. Government, by cause of property damage, injury to, or death of, loved ones due to violent crimes by illegal alien invaders, and will document the grief, stress, and costs to Texas citizens for defending their private properties, including homes, possessions, and lands; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we urge to the Texas Legislature and our Texas Governor to publicly recognize that President Joseph R. Biden, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and all federal employees who bear responsibility together with them in the willful abdication of their obligation to protect our citizens and operate our borders in accordance with existing federal legislation, be declared as treasonous in their willful acts against the citizens of Texas, as we know with incontrovertible proof that our U.S. Government was, and still is, not only negligent in its duties to protect the people of Texas, but also wrongfully encouraged, enabled with instruction, and even financed the foreigners who illegally invaded our state, attacked and assaulted our citizens, and are actively destroying part of our culture; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that following these true accusations, we demand the Federal Government of the United States fully reimburse the State of Texas for all damages incurred, financial and otherwise, and seek the prosecution of Joseph R. Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas, and all those who assisted them in their crimes against our state and nation, and we implore our entire Legislature to support our Attorney General in filing the necessary lawsuits, for the purpose of tangibly demonstrating to the people of Texas that justice still exists in our state, and we ask these things on grounds of the U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4, standing firm in the authority of We the People, our state’s rights, and our God-given rights, recognized by our founding fathers who stood firm, and stood strong, and led with the courage and patriotism so desperately and critically needed in the face of the existential threats of proliferating tyranny; and we, the State Republican Executive Committee, and the people of Texas, insist that our Republican-led Legislature deliberately act with the same courage and conviction of our forebears, without delay, hearing the voice of We the People, since we need justice to be served, so that justice may retain any rightful meaning for our posterity.
1. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-noncitizen-statistics