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Resolution to Make Identity Fraud in Texas a Crime
- Jordan Leighty
WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas acknowledges that God created humankind either male or female, as documented in the Bible, and along with proven science, recognizes no other genders; and
WHEREAS, the degradation within American culture in which a man or a woman falsely identifies himself or herself sexually, or falsely identifies as anything other than a human, and the confusion from such, causes hideous awkwardness, mocks God’s greatest creation, and encourages further various vile acts of immorality; and
WHEREAS, there exists a need to restore decency, order, and communications that are sensible, logical, and useful in our culture, workplaces, businesses, educational facilities, and all public spaces in the state of Texas; and
WHEREAS, our Legislature urgently needs to pass clearly written legislation to prevent men from invading women in their specified restrooms, dressing rooms, and other places of privacy, as well as to prevent males from competing in female sports, and this legislation should be inclusive of other situations in which women are being forced into a disadvantage by men “identifying as” women; and
WHEREAS, the so-called gender transition surgery of any human in Texas should be recognized as a crime against humanity and a crime against nature, and should be punished criminally by the state of Texas, with civil rights of grievance granted to any and all underage victims of this practice, which should be referred to as mutilation; and
WHEREAS, the act of claiming to be a gender other than the biological sex created in the womb before birth is an act of deception and such deception should be recognized as criminally fraudulent activity, designed to mask the true gender identity of the individual; and
WHEREAS, individuals committing such gender identity fraud often also attempt to coerce others to assist in the fraud by demanding the use of incorrect or unrecognized pronouns, and the insistence on improper pronoun usage leads to hiring discrimination and conflicts due to the confusion and anger brought about by this practice; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas recommends that our Texas Legislature act immediately to outlaw all identity fraud, including any type of bodily and physical deception, in the state of Texas, and for the Texas Legislature, led by our Christian Conservative Republicans, to act immediately and recognize that the perpetuation of this madness is wreaking havoc mentally on our citizens, especially young children, and to recognize that God demands of us to make law that is pleasing to Him, as God is not the author of confusion; that we see these abominations that are being committed for what they are, blatant fraud, and we need the clarity of new law to remove all doubt and give businesses the legal right to remove men who enter women’s spaces from their premises, to give victims the right of legal recourse, and thereby to restore honor in the state of Texas.