Resolution Condemning Vote for Previous Question on House Rules
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas considers a vote in favor of Previous Question on HR 4 to be a violation of the Legislative Priority to
To promote a conservative philosophy of government:
By promoting conservative principles; and
By providing the infrastructure through which those who share our conservative principles can get involved in the political process, run for and be elected to public office, and govern according to our principles when elected.
Political parties hold a primary election in March of even numbered years.
Currently, only two parties hold primaries – the Republican Party and the Democrat Party.
In Texas, registered voters may vote in either political party’s primary; however, a voter may vote in only one party’s primary in each election cycle.
If a voter votes in one party’s primary, he may not vote in the other party’s run-off election in that same year. Registered voters who do not vote in the primary election may vote in a run-off election of either party that year.
Republican Primary voters elect the Republican candidates who will appear on the general election ballot, their precinct chairmen, and their county chairmen. Thus, primary voters have a greater influence on the final outcome of the general election than those who only vote in the general election.
Those who vote in the Republican primary election (either in person or by mail) can then attend the various Republican Party conventions held that year.
In Texas, parties hold their own conventions in election years. In even-numbered years, Texas Republicans hold precinct conventions, county or senatorial district conventions, a state convention, and in presidential years, a national convention.
The purposes of the conventions are to:
June 22, 2018:
Hello, we have a county executive meeting to change bylaws this Saturday morning and there are 3 items out of line with state rules. Can you please respond officially per RULE 1, (f), page 2 “Clarification” by State Chair. Thank you for your help! Starr Finn SD 22, Precinct 22 Chairwoman
Rule 9, Page 6 Executive Committee Quorum – can you please confirm the quorum should not be changed by county bylaws. The quorum is set for all counties. This is how it reads.
Precinct Chair endorsements during contested primaries – Precinct Chairs in counties all over Texas are endorsing candidates. The proposed bylaw is to censor Precinct Chairs from endorsing in Hill County. Our governor recently endorsed a candidate running for Texas House in our county. If the governor and other Republicans can endorse across the state, Precinct Chairs in Hill county should be able to endorse as well. It is our freedom of speech. There is no state rule censoring Precinct Chairs. This was proposed by the county chair. Vetting is an important part of my job.
Rule No. 5 – Parliamentary Authority, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised – the county chair is trying to change the bylaws to say we are “guided” by Robert’s Rules so we don’t have to hold to it. I disagree and do not see this change in line with state rules.
Rule 9
There is no ambiguity in Rule 9.
The quorum to conduct statutory business is those members present.
The quorum to fill a vacancy is at least ¼ of the membership, but may be set higher through local rules.
The quorum to conduct all other business is ¼ of the membership.
Precinct chair endorsements
There is no rule regarding precinct chair endorsements for me to clarify as state chair. While there are disciplinary proceedings that can be conducted under Robert’s rules, there is nothing here for me to clarify.
Rule 5
There is no ambiguity in Rule 5. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised is the parliamentary authority on all matters not superseded by the US Constitution, Texas Constitution, statutes, RPT Rules, local bylaws, special rules of order or local standing rules.
June 25, 2018
In regards to RPT Rule 8e, can you clarify what is an organizational meeting?
RPT Rule 8e is referring to the organizational meeting as that described under RONR pages 553-561 in organization of permanent society.
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised details how to organize a permanent society on pages 553-561. This is detailed as a first organizational meeting and a second organizational meeting.
The business of the first meeting consists of the following:
Election of Temporary Officers
Adoption of a Resolution to Form a Society
Further Business relating to Organization
Create a bylaws committee
Fix the date, hour, and place of next meeting
Motion authorizing the bylaws committee to provide reproduced copies of the draft for distribution
The business of the second meeting consists of the following:
Reading and approval of minutes
Consideration and adoption of proposed bylaws
Enrollment of members
Reading of Roll
Election of Permanent Officers
Other Business
Because the Texas Election Code names the Chairman of the County Executive Committee, forms the society, and defines membership, RPT Rules set forth a single organizational meeting. At this meeting, there are no existing bylaws. Governing the conduct of this meeting is only the US Constitution, Texas Constitution, Texas Election Code, and RPT Rules which define Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised as the parliamentary authority.
RPT Rule 8e
Organizational Meeting of a County Executive Committee – A County Executive Committee shall hold its organizational meeting within forty-five (45) days after the term of office begins for the County Chairman and the Precinct Chairmen. (The term of office begins twenty (20) days after the Primary Runoff Election according to Subsection 171.022 (c) of the TEC.) The County Chairman shall be responsible for calling the meeting however, if the County Chairman does not call the meeting, then one-fourth (1/4) or 50 of the Precinct Chairmen whichever is fewer, may, by written demand, call an organizational meeting. Notice of the organizational meeting and a copy of any proposed Bylaws and/or Rules shall either be mailed via the USPS or emailed, and be posted on the county party website, if available. Delivery will be to the last known address of the members of the executive committee at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the meeting. Such notice shall state the time, date, and location of the meeting and the names(s) of the person(s) issuing the call. The agenda of the organizational meeting shall include, but not be limited to, the swearing in of the newly elected executive committee members and the adoption of Bylaws and/or Rules for the biennium. Failure to adopt bylaws and/or rules for the current biennium shall enact the previous biennium’s bylaws and/or rules.
Mr. Shorten,
Thank you for your email dated July 16, 2018. It pains me to see infighting in our local county executive committees. We are capable of so much when we work together towards our common goals.
As State Party Chair, I have not and do not take sides in matters of local county executive committees. Republican Party of Texas Rule 1f only allows the State Party Chair to clarify ambiguity in the RPT Rules. It does not allow me to opine on legal matters or tax liability.
Section 1
Did you receive such request? If so, when?
Yes, Mr. Reed requested clarification on July 13th.
Did Mr. Reed identify the actual issue that his question was in reference to the existing Montgomery County Republican Party passing new Bylaws that completely replaced the old Bylaws on June 26, 2018 with a majority vote rather than a 2/3 vote?
As State Party Chair, I have not and do not take sides in matters of local county executive committees. Republican Party of Texas Rule 1f only allows the State Party Chair to clarify ambiguity in the RPT Rules.
Section 2
When is the next scheduled meeting of the SREC?
There is a special meeting of the SREC scheduled for August 11th. The agenda for this meeting is brief. The next regular meeting of the SREC is September 22nd.
Since you also stated in your response that Mr. Reed’s question was NOT ambiguous, does that mean you did not provide a clarification to his question in your response?
The SREC makes the final decision of the meaning of the RPT Rules, including RPT 1f. It is my opinion that there was nothing under RPT Rule 1f for me to offer clarification. There is no ambiguity as to what threshold is required for the adoption of bylaws or rules.
Since Mr. Reed’s question was NOT ambiguous, will the SREC vote to confirm your clarification regarding the majority vote in Montgomery County when new Bylaws completely superseded the old Bylaws on June 26, 2018?
Whether the question was ambiguous or not, the SREC has no obligation to take up the matter. In order to take up Mr. Reed’s question, the SREC would first need to determine that RPT Rule 1f allows them to clarify a question where the State Party Chair determined there was no ambiguity.
Can you define “brought into being”?
I cannot. That is a phrase from Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. RPT Rules discuss the requirement of an organizational meeting. The term “organizational meeting” is used in Robert’s Rules for the purpose of creating a society.
Does “brought into being” mean a newly formed organization?
Please see the reply to the previous question.
Under RPT or any other authority, is the Montgomery County Republican Party re-created every two years even though it has the same tax ID number and legal structure for the last 54 years?
As State Party Chair, I have not and do not take sides in matters of local county executive committees. Republican Party of Texas Rule 1f only allows the State Party Chair to clarify ambiguity in the RPT Rules.
How does RPT Rule 8 impact the adoption of County Bylaws at the biennial meetings?
RPT Rule 8e determines who calls the organizational meeting and the requirements needed to protect the rights of the executive committee members.
Does RPT Rule 8(d) apply when Bylaws are amended?
RPT Rule 8(d) applies to the bylaws of the SREC, not the bylaws of a county executive committee.
Many of the questions you raise that do not touch on RPT Rules create interesting academic questions. These questions touch on legal principles that the Republican Party of Texas has taken great interest in to defend our associational rights.
I pray that the local party is able to work together and heal the fractures in relationships. There is great need to treat each other with respect if we are to succeed in our attempts at self governance both within our organizations and within government.
James Dickey
Thank you for your email. RPT Rule 1f provides the Republican State Chair the authority to clarify rules where ambiguity exists subject to final clarification by the SREC. I read your question as “What does the phrase ‘Organizational Meeting for a County Executive Committee’ mean in Rule 8e?”
RPT Rule 8e uses the term “organizational meeting” in the same sense that is used in Robert’s Rules of Order. RONR page 555 lines 6-11 reads:
“Such a resolution, it should be noted, is only a declaration of intention; its adoption does not bring the organization into being, which is accomplished by the adoption of bylaws and the signing of the membership roll by those who initially join the society, as described below [emphasis added].”
So, with respect to a County Executive Committee, an Organizational Meeting is the first CEC meeting each biennium, called in accordance with Rule 8e, at which bylaws are adopted, and at which members (precinct chairs and county chair) are sworn in (placed on the membership roll).
In the fight to defeat Democrats this November it is critical that each of us fulfill our unique roles and work together toward victory. I pray for wisdom and grace for all.
Please do not hesitate to email or call if there is any way I can be of assistance.
James Dickey
Chairman, Republican Party of Texas
Allison Winter and Walter West wrote:
Thank you for your patience and service to the Republican Party of Texas!
As SREC Committee members representing SD4, we respectfully request a formal clarification of Rule No. 8(e) in accordance with Rule No. 1(f).
RPT Rule 8e gives details around what must happen at an Organizational Meeting for a County Executive Committee, how it can be called, and the notice requirements for it. But the term “Organizational Meeting” itself is ambiguous as it is not defined. Can you please provide clarification on what makes an Organizational Meeting for a County Executive Committee?
Thank you for your email. RPT Rule 1f provides the Republican State Chair the authority to clarify rules where ambiguity exists subject to final clarification by the SREC. I read your question as “What does the word ‘committee meeting’ mean in in RPT Rule 7(b)(5)?”
I clarify that RPT Rule 7(b)(5) means all committee meetings, including state executive committee meetings and county executive committee meetings.
I come to this conclusion by adhering to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised principles of interpretation #8. The term ‘committee meeting’ is a general term that encompasses two or more specific terms. The specific terms ‘state executive committee meeting’, ‘county executive committee meeting’, ‘committee of the state executive committee’, and ‘committee of a county executive committee’ all fall within the general term ‘committee meetings.’
I would also caution for your calculations that the county chair is a member of the executive committee and therefore should be counted in determining the proper number that constitutes one-fifth of the members.
Best Regards,
James Dickey
Republican Party of Texas State Chairman
RONR p 591 ll 10-14.
In cases where the bylaws use a general term and also two or more specific terms that are wholly included under the general one, a rule in which only the general term is used applies to all the specific terms.
Chairman Easton,
Thank you for your email. RPT Rule 1f provides the Republican State Chair the authority to clarify rules where ambiguity exists subject to final clarification by the SREC. I read your question as “Do members need be present during a vote to demand in writing a roll call vote be taken on a subject?”
I do find there there to be ambiguity in the rule. I therefore clarify under RPT Rule 1f that a member does not need to be in attendance for a vote in order to demand in writing that a roll call vote be taken on a vote(s).
With that said, I further clarify that a member need not be present at the meeting where the vote is to take pace.
Please be aware that the intent of RPT Rule 7 is to safeguard against a presiding officer inaccurately determining the outcome of a motion for a roll call vote that is otherwise decided by division. The intent is not to allow a small, but sufficiently large minority to tax the body. The clarification here and the lack of clarification in response to your November email keep that intent in mind when reviewing the language adopted by the 2018 State Convention.
Best Regards,
James Dickey
Republican Party of Texas State Chairman
Mr. Chandler,
Thank you for your email concerning “live streaming” of an executive committee meeting. With your permission, I will interpret your email as asking whether there is ambiguity in rule 8(g) of the Republican Party of Texas. The authority to clarify perceived ambiguity rests with myself as state Chair pursuant to RPT rule 1(f). Such clarifications are binding on all members of the Republican Party of Texas until such final clarification is made by the SREC.
RPT Rule 8(g) Open Meetings and Right to Testify – All meetings of any State or County Executive Committee or its committees, subcommittees, or ad hoc committees shall be open to any member of that executive committee, and they shall have the right to appear before any such committee, subcommittee, or ad hoc committee and make recommendations for the committee’s consideration or testify concerning any item under purview of the committee and to record the proceedings of any meeting not held in executive session with electronic devices. The committee may adopt reasonable rules including time limits for such presentations and may establish a reasonable limit of time for these presentations. This Rule does not preclude the committee from going into executive session; however, such executive session(s) shall be open to any member of the executive committee including ex-officio members.
The intent and purpose of this rule is to allow all members to have a true reference of the proceedings. As such, a medium is necessary to save that content. A convenient method with today’s technology to preserve that reference is to save the content to the cloud through any number of service providers (Dropbox, Facebook Live, YouTube, etc). Some of these providers allow the live rebroadcast of that content that is referred to as “live streaming”.
The only method that a body (not the Chair) has to limit the sharing of information is by conducting a meeting in executive session.
It is therefore my clarification that “live streaming” is a type of recording and a protected right of members of that executive committee and can only be prevented by the body voting to go into executive session. Nothing in these rules contemplates an executive committee providing access to the internet to the members or to the public for these meetings. That is the responsibility of the person recording.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas considers a vote in favor of Previous Question on HR 4 to be a violation of the Legislative Priority to
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas expresses its gratitude to the 52 Republican Representatives who faithfully participated in the Caucus process and followed the rules by
Today, the Republican Party of Texas urged the Texas House of Representatives to adopt rules prohibiting the appointment of Democrats as committee chairs. This call follows repeated demands from grassroots
Today, the Republican Party of Texas urged the Texas House of Representatives to adopt rules prohibiting the appointment of Democrats as committee chairs. This call follows repeated demands from grassroots
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas recommends that our Texas Legislature act immediately to outlaw all identity fraud, including any type of bodily and physical deception,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas rejects any efforts to minimize, degrade, or reduce the effectiveness of the Texas State Guard in performance of its historic
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas urges our Legislature to continue to file and then pass bills in the 89th Legislative Session that will improve our
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon the 89th Texas Legislature and the United States Congress to pass comprehensive E-Verify requirements for all employers to
State Representative Cody Harris wants to imprison Republican Party of Texas Chairman Abraham George and all grassroots conservatives who urge members of the Texas House Republican Caucus to unite behind
Today the Republican Party of Texas is pleased to present the ‘Top 10’ focus planks of the Platform Advocacy Committee for the upcoming legislative session, thoughtfully selected from our party’s
WHEREAS, it took the efforts of thousands of liberty-loving volunteers to get out the vote and conduct the election efforts that secured unprecedented Republican wins up and down the ballot;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all emergency rooms and emergency treatment facilities in Texas should be required to post clearly visible signs in both waiting rooms and treatment rooms, written
WHEREAS, the first act of the Dustin Burrows-led Texas House of Representatives was the passage of a rules package, HR 4, the authors of which include former Obama Administration attorney Hugh Brady, that granted Vice Chairmen of committees, who will now solely be Democrats, additional powers such as designating matters to promptly be scheduled for hearing, preparation of impact statements, and designating witnesses; and
WHEREAS, the “No Democrat Chairs” Legislative Priority reads, “The Republican-controlled Texas Legislature shall end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats and require all committees to be majority Republican”; and
WHEREAS, the Rules passed by the House do not achieve this priority in letter or in spirit: new permanent subcommittees, which will handle legislation and are appointed by the Speaker, may still be chaired by Democrats, and Democrat Vice Chairs are now placed on every committee and granted unprecedented power to introduce measures and attack Republican legislation; and
WHEREAS, several Republican Representatives wrote and signed amendments intended to repair the defects included in the leadership-presented rules, but were prevented from discussing or voting on them by a motion called “Previous Question,” which has only rarely been used in the House, that, when passed, immediately moves a measure to a vote with no further debate; and
WHEREAS, Representative Katrina Pierson eloquently stated in the House Journal that she
could not, in good conscience, support the House Rules package. Despite numerous concerns with the proposed rules, debate was abruptly shut down, leaving no room for questions or clarifications on these significant changes. This approach does not reflect the will of my constituents, nor does it serve the best interests of Texans who expect open and transparent decision-making.
Hundreds of pages with major changes were revealed only hours before the vote. My constituents do not want major operational changes snuck through without fair review and with so few being included in the process.
My district has been clear in demanding an end to power-sharing with democrats, which I support wholeheartedly, but this proposal seemingly only shifts how power is shared and tries to disguise it. Despite what’s being touted as a ban on democratic committee chairs, the new vice-chair powers and additional subcommittees allow democrats even more control over our agenda than before. My constituents helped elect a republican majority to deliver on conservative promises, not to hand the reins back to democrats under another name; and
WHEREAS, 35 Republican Representatives are listed (either by voting against or by asking to be shown as voting no) in the House Journal as no votes on the motion for Previous Question; and
WHEREAS, grassroots Republicans have, by necessity and through experience, learned to follow every action and every vote taken in the Texas Legislature, and will not be fooled by dishonest efforts to enact Legislative Priorities in name only while subverting the substance of the Priorities; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas considers a vote in favor of Previous Question on HR 4 to be a violation of the Legislative Priority to Ban Democrat Chairs for the purposes of censure under Republican Party of Texas Rule No. 44.
WHEREAS, the Texas House Republican Caucus voted to support Representative David Cook of Tarrant County as their official nominee for Speaker of the House, in accordance with the process laid out in the Bylaws of the Texas House Republican Caucus and the Republican Party of Texas Platform; and
WHEREAS, on the final ballot, 52 of the 88 Republican Representatives – a clear majority of the caucus – voted for Representative David Cook, but were thwarted by 36 Republicans who voted with 49 Democrats to elect Dustin Burrows; and
WHEREAS, many of these Republicans, who courageously voted with the Republican Caucus in accordance with our Platform and with the enthusiastic support of Republican activists, voters, and officials, may nonetheless face reprisal from the newly elected leadership team in the House; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas expresses its gratitude to the 52 Republican Representatives who faithfully participated in the Caucus process and followed the rules by voting for the Caucus nominee, David Cook, for Speaker of the House.
WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas acknowledges that God created humankind either male or female, as documented in the Bible, and along with proven science, recognizes no other genders; and
WHEREAS, the degradation within American culture in which a man or a woman falsely identifies himself or herself sexually, or falsely identifies as anything other than a human, and the confusion from such, causes hideous awkwardness, mocks God’s greatest creation, and encourages further various vile acts of immorality; and
WHEREAS, there exists a need to restore decency, order, and communications that are sensible, logical, and useful in our culture, workplaces, businesses, educational facilities, and all public spaces in the state of Texas; and
WHEREAS, our Legislature urgently needs to pass clearly written legislation to prevent men from invading women in their specified restrooms, dressing rooms, and other places of privacy, as well as to prevent males from competing in female sports, and this legislation should be inclusive of other situations in which women are being forced into a disadvantage by men “identifying as” women; and
WHEREAS, the so-called gender transition surgery of any human in Texas should be recognized as a crime against humanity and a crime against nature, and should be punished criminally by the state of Texas, with civil rights of grievance granted to any and all underage victims of this practice, which should be referred to as mutilation; and
WHEREAS, the act of claiming to be a gender other than the biological sex created in the womb before birth is an act of deception and such deception should be recognized as criminally fraudulent activity, designed to mask the true gender identity of the individual; and
WHEREAS, individuals committing such gender identity fraud often also attempt to coerce others to assist in the fraud by demanding the use of incorrect or unrecognized pronouns, and the insistence on improper pronoun usage leads to hiring discrimination and conflicts due to the confusion and anger brought about by this practice; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas recommends that our Texas Legislature act immediately to outlaw all identity fraud, including any type of bodily and physical deception, in the state of Texas, and for the Texas Legislature, led by our Christian Conservative Republicans, to act immediately and recognize that the perpetuation of this madness is wreaking havoc mentally on our citizens, especially young children, and to recognize that God demands of us to make law that is pleasing to Him, as God is not the author of confusion; that we see these abominations that are being committed for what they are, blatant fraud, and we need the clarity of new law to remove all doubt and give businesses the legal right to remove men who enter women’s spaces from their premises, to give victims the right of legal recourse, and thereby to restore honor in the state of Texas.
WHEREAS, the Texas State Guard was founded in 1871 and has a long and proud history of serving the citizens of Texas by supporting state missions, from hurricanes to border security, and is currently assisting six active missions related to the Southern border; and
WHEREAS, the United States is currently battling the largest border invasion in our nation’s history, with United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer encounters rising above 11 million unauthorized American migrants attempting to enter since October 2019, in addition to migrants not encountered by CBP; and
WHEREAS, this crisis has led to unprecedented levels of crime related to human trafficking and drug smuggling, and an increase in crime committed by illegal immigrants residing within our borders; and
WHEREAS, Texas has been forced to spend billions of dollars to protect its border and its citizens, provide funding to local governments, and transport illegal immigrants out of Texas to reduce the strain on local communities such that the Republican Party of Texas has made Border Enforcement to repel invasion and deter illegal immigration its top Legislative Priority; and
WHEREAS, “Support of Our Armed Forces” in Plank 230, overwhelmingly affirmed by delegates to the 2024 Republican Party of Texas State Convention, states in part:
“All current and prior military personnel and their families must have the benefits, healthcare, housing, education, and overall support they need. Injured military personnel deserve the best medical, mental health, and rehabilitative care our country has to offer. The Texas State Guard should receive the funding necessary for equipment, uniforms, healthcare, and pay needed to accomplish the mission of the Texas Guard motto, ‘Texans Serving Texas’”; and
WHEREAS, the unique mission of the Texas State Guard has lately come under scrutiny by media and political forces questioning the support for an able-bodied military force specifically under the direction of the State of Texas; and
WHEREAS, Texas voters have made it resoundingly clear that securing our State’s southern border with qualified boots on the ground is of utmost importance; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas rejects any efforts to minimize, degrade, or reduce the effectiveness of the Texas State Guard in performance of its historic mission to protect our Texas; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on the State Legislature to invoke Article I, Section 10, Clause 3, of the United States Constitution, known as the “state self-defense clause,” to allow Texas to defend its citizens and to prevent federalization of Texas State Guard resources; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on the State Legislature to bolster the efforts of the Texas State Guard through priority funding and to establish a statewide defense force to put American Citizens and Texans first in border enforcement and security.
WHEREAS, election integrity in the State of Texas has been compromised in past elections and will continue to be compromised in future elections unless laws are passed to guarantee the validity of local, state, and federal elections; and
WHEREAS, election integrity is currently under assault through attempts by the federal government to allow millions of illegal aliens to vote, and so, in order to counter this assault, proof of U.S. Citizenship, consisting of a U.S. birth certificate, valid U.S. Passport, or U.S. naturalization papers at the time of voter registration, should be required; and
WHEREAS, the current election process, which sacrifices security for convenience by having both an excessively long Early Voting period and a three-day gap until Election Day, should be consolidated into a single in-person voting period under Election Day laws with no time gap between when voting starts and Election Day occurs to help reduce fraud; and
WHEREAS, the complete elimination of mail-in ballots is necessary, with an exception for those who cannot physically appear in person, the request for those voters should use the official application form only with a wet signature, and the ballots must be returned before 7 p.m. on Election Day; and
WHEREAS, restoring integrity to the voter rolls and reducing voter fraud is necessary and can be achieved by requiring voters to re-register if they have not voted within a five-year period, conducting periodic checks on the voter rolls to ensure all currently registered voters are eligible, penalizing election officials for not performing the checks, and promoting a collaboration between states to ensure accuracy in Texas voter rolls without an interstate cross-check system; and
WHEREAS, due to potential and real fraud committed with paper ballots and ballot secrecy requirements, sequentially numbered, signed paper ballots that contain anti-counterfeiting measures that are accounted for through strong chain of custody procedures should be implemented; and
WHEREAS, since poll watchers, who are an integral part of our election process that helps prevent fraud, report issues that are often unheard and not acted upon by authorities, there is a need to create processes that will allow rapid adjudication of election law violation disputes as they occur and before violations can be successfully perpetrated; and
WHEREAS, the Texas Senate passed SB 921 in the 88th Legislature with bipartisan support (which was later killed in the House) and now Senator Brian Hughes has pre-filed SB 310 for the 89th Legislative Session, which would ban Ranked Choice or Preferential Voting Systems that increase election distrust, voter suppression, and disenfranchisement, that eliminate the historical political party system, and that depend on costly and confusing technology implemented by unelected bureaucrats; and
WHEREAS, Representative Briscoe Cain pre-filed HB 817 for the 89th Legislative Session, which would also ban Ranked Choice or Preferential Voting Systems; and
WHEREAS, Senator Brian Hughes has pre-filed SB 309, Representative Brooks Landgraf pre-filed HB 219, Representative Briscoe Cain pre-filed HB 892, and Representative Mike Schofield pre-filed HB 1263 for the 89th Legislative Session, all of which would require proof of citizenship when registering to vote; and
WHEREAS, protecting the integrity of the Republican Primary Election is a top priority, and election laws should be changed to require a closed primary system in Texas that reflects the Rules on closed primaries passed by the delegates to the 2024 Republican Party of Texas State Convention; and
WHEREAS, Representative Briscoe Cain pre-filed HB 934 for the 89th Legislative Session and Representative Mike Schofield pre-filed HB 951 for the 89th Legislative Session, both of which seek to codify closed primaries; and
WHEREAS, Senator Bob Hall has presented a program for election improvements that includes many of our Platform planks and Legislative Priorities and has pre-filed SB 76, SB 77, SB 104, SB 106, and SB 107 for the 89th Legislative Session that support these improvements; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas urges our Legislature to continue to file and then pass bills in the 89th Legislative Session that will improve our election integrity and that specifically implement our Platform Planks 220, 221, 222, and 225 as well as our Legislative Priority on election integrity in which we call for:
· requiring proof of citizenship when registering to vote
· creating a single voting period that removes the gap between Early Voting and Election Day and eliminating a distinction between early voting laws and Election Day laws
· eliminating mail-in ballots except to those who cannot physically appear in person
· requiring re-registration of voters who have not voted within a five-year period
· adding anti-counterfeiting measures and strong chain of custody requirements with paper ballots
· ensuring judges are trained in election law and available during elections to hear and resolve election-related cases
· banning Ranked Choice or Preferential Voting
· creating Closed Primaries; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to Governor Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Patrick and all of our Republican State Legislators.
WHEREAS, the Biden-Harris Administration has systematically undermined our federal immigration enforcement apparatus, leading to a cartel-backed invasion at our border; and
WHEREAS, since January 2021, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has reported over 10.6 million Nationwide Border Encounters, a number which does not include “got aways” (known or unknown) or inadmissible parolees entering through airports in the nation’s interior; and
WHEREAS, Texans like Jocelyn Nungaray are victimized every day by illegal and inadmissible aliens who are released by the Biden-Harris Administration into our country’s interior; and
WHEREAS, the incoming Trump Administration has received a nationwide mandate to enact immigration and border security reform that would end the invasion at our border and to reform the legal immigration system to put American citizens and our interests at the forefront; and
WHEREAS, according to a Republican Party of Texas commissioned post-election poll, 54% of voters and 87% of Republicans believe “the government should halt all immigration until the border is secure”; and
WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas Platform Plank 232 states:
“The State of Texas shall impose a 100% surcharge on remittances from an illegal alien to a recipient in a foreign nation. The state shall refuse to grant a birth certificate to any child born to illegal alien parents on Texas soil, shall require proof of legal residency for obtaining a Texas driver’s license or for enrolling in public school, and shall require proof of citizenship for obtaining voter registration and public benefits. Texas shall require all employers to screen new hires through the free E-Verify system to prevent the hiring of illegal aliens and of anyone not legally authorized to work in the United States, and to protect jobs for American workers. No tax dollars shall be provided for social or educational programs for illegal aliens. All existing laws providing for in-state tuition and non-emergency medical care shall be rescinded. All unverifiable foreign-issued identification cards shall be legally invalid in the United States. In addition, the State of Texas should ban the sale of land to illegal aliens and pursue litigation against developers who induce illegal immigration into Texas through marketing”; and
WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas Platform Plank 238 states:
“Our federal immigration system should be reformed to serve the interest of American citizens first. Accordingly, we support the implementation of a merit-based system that ensures the total number of new immigrants should be limited to a level that facilitates assimilation. In light of the millions of illegal aliens and unlawful expansion of mass immigration into the United States, a net migration moratorium should be enacted. We support the repeal of the H1-B visa program, ending the Diversity Visa Lottery, and preventing chain migration in the interest of protecting American jobs, technology, and national security. We support additional court resources to expedite final determination of status and deportation for both violent and non-violent illegal aliens and visa overstays. We call on Congress to end the Refugee Resettlement program and enter into Third Safe Country agreements for the purpose of lowering the number of asylees coming to the United States from around the globe”; and
WHEREAS, delegates to the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Convention adopted the following as a Legislative Priority:
“To repel invasion and deter illegal immigration:
· Creating a Texas Department of Homeland Security to prevent illegal entry and trafficking, and to deport illegal aliens to Mexico or to their nations of origin.
· Prohibiting, with mandatory fines and jail time, individuals, corporations, non-profits, governments, and social media entities from assisting or inciting illegal entry.
· Requiring the use of E-Verify by all employers in Texas with significant penalties for business owners who violate this requirement.
· Ending all subsidies and public services, including in-state college tuition and enrollment in public schools, for illegal aliens, except for emergency medical care.”; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon the 89th Texas Legislature to create a Texas Department of Homeland Security with the statutory authority to repel illegal border crossings and to remove apprehended illegal aliens back across the border into Mexico under an Article I, Section 10, declaration of invasion or imminent danger by the Governor; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon the 89th Texas Legislature to adopt legislation ending all government subsidies and public services, including in-state college tuition and enrollment in public schools, for illegal aliens, except for emergency medical care; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon the 89th Texas Legislature and the United States Congress to pass comprehensive E-Verify requirements for all employers to prevent illegal aliens from obtaining gainful employment in the United States and to protect American workers; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon the incoming Trump Administration to enact a total moratorium on net migration into the United States until the border is secured and the effects of the border invasion under the Biden-Harris Administration can be reversed; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon the incoming Trump Administration to reinstate the Migrant Protection Protocols, commonly known as “Remain in Mexico,” and to renegotiate Safe Third Country agreements with various nations in Latin America to prevent ineligible aliens from being released into the interior of the United States pending asylum claims; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon the incoming Trump Administration, the United States Congress, and the 89th Texas Legislature to return to the proper and historical interpretation of birthright citizenship under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution and to end the practice of awarding citizenship to the children of illegal aliens, tourists, and temporary visa holders in the United States; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon the 89th Texas Legislature to pass legislation compelling local, county, and state law enforcement agencies to apply for participation in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Delegation of Immigration Authority Section 287(g) program to assist the incoming Trump Administration in deportation operations.
WHEREAS, 6,393,597 Texans cast their vote for President Donald J. Trump; and
WHEREAS, 5,990,741 Texans cast their votes for Senator Ted Cruz; and
WHEREAS, it took the efforts of thousands of liberty-loving volunteers to get out the vote and conduct the election efforts that secured unprecedented Republican wins up and down the ballot; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the members of the Texas State Republican Executive Committee, recognize all of these unsung heroes and sincerely, heartily thank the Republican voter registrars, block walkers, phone bankers, envelope stuffers, campaign donors, forum hosts, precinct chairs, county chairs, poll judges and clerks, ballot board and signature verification committee members, and poll watchers for their countless, arduous hours of work, which resulted in November Election wins that will benefit our communities, state, and nation for years to come.
WHEREAS, the State of Texas has enacted laws, such as the Texas Heartbeat Act, which protect unborn life while also ensuring the rights of women to receive necessary medical care for pregnancy complications, including miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies; and
WHEREAS, misinformation regarding Texas law has led to confusion among both medical professionals and patients, resulting in some women being misled into believing they can face criminal penalties for seeking medical treatment for pregnancy complications, including miscarriages; and
WHEREAS, some hospitals and emergency medical facilities have reportedly refused to provide adequate care to pregnant women experiencing complications, or have delayed treatment until a woman experiences sepsis or is otherwise in critical condition, out of a misplaced fear of non-existent legal repercussions; and
WHEREAS, a lack of clarity and communication about existing laws has created unnecessary suffering for pregnant women, with some experiencing prolonged pain, preventable complications, and, in rare cases, death due to inadequate or delayed medical care; and
WHEREAS, there are reports that some medical professionals and facilities may be intentionally allowing pregnant women to suffer, or providing insufficient care, as a means of advocating for more lenient abortion laws, thereby endangering women’s health and lives for political purposes; and
WHEREAS, every pregnant woman in Texas has a right to receive compassionate, timely, and medically necessary care for pregnancy complications, and healthcare providers have a duty to provide such care, as is already permitted and protected under Texas law; and
WHEREAS, clear and accessible communication in emergency medical settings is essential to ensuring that pregnant women are fully informed of their rights and can receive the care they need without fear or delay; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon all appropriate authorities within the State of Texas to take immediate and permanent action to ensure that pregnant women in emergency rooms across Texas are fully and accurately informed of their right to medical treatment for pregnancy complications, including miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and other emergencies; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all emergency rooms and emergency treatment facilities in Texas should be required to post clearly visible signs in both waiting rooms and treatment rooms, written in plain and easily understood language, with the sign consisting of two parts:
The upper portion of the sign, written in bold, large print, shall read:
Worried about legal stuff?
No worries.
You have the right to be treated.
We’re here to help.
No repercussions.”
The lower portion of the sign shall include the following statement:
“Under Texas law, all women have the right to receive emergency medical care for pregnancy complications, including miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies which meets the medical standard of care for each medical condition. No woman will face criminal penalties for seeking or receiving medical care in these circumstances. Medical providers are obligated to provide the medical standard of care to protect the health and life of the patient.”; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Department of State Health Services should be tasked with creating and distributing the standardized signs to all emergency medical facilities in the state, ensuring consistent and accurate messaging; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that healthcare providers and facilities should be educated and reminded of their obligation under Texas law to provide necessary care to pregnant women, and that any refusal to provide such care, or deliberate endangerment of women’s health for political purposes, will be subject to investigation for medical malpractice and appropriate penalties; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution reaffirms the Republican Party of Texas’ commitment to protecting both unborn life and the health and well-being of pregnant women, ensuring that no woman is denied appropriate care or made to suffer unnecessarily due to confusion, fear, or intentional neglect; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution shall be sent to the Governor of Texas, the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, and the Commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services to urge swift implementation of these measures.
WHEREAS, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ en banc decision in Petteway v. Galveston County ended decades of misuse of the Voting Rights Act, which forced legislators to draw political multi-racial “coalition” districts in favor of Democrats first; and
WHEREAS, a “coalition” district is one without any single compact and cohesive minority voting group who could form a majority of the district, but rather is one in which multiple sub-majority minority groups are combined; and
WHEREAS, redistricting for federal, state, and local elections based on the 2020 Census and the law before the Petteway decision therefore favored Democrats in a way that is no longer required under the Voting Rights Act and likely constituted impermissible racial gerrymandering; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that election maps drawn based on 2020 or earlier census data should be revisited to comply with the Voting Rights Act and the Petteway decision to more accurately reflect the political makeup, preferences, and priorities of states and local communities, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas encourages our Legislature to revisit election maps previously drawn so that our election maps are consistent with federal law under the Voting Rights Act and the Petteway decision; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Fifth Circuit’s decision in Petteway v. Galveston County resonates far beyond Galveston County, setting a new precedent for redistricting at all levels of governance across Texas, and that the ruling provides counties, municipalities, and state officials with the tools to create fair, legally defensible district maps free from the partisan distortions of coalition claims.
WHEREAS, in 2022 the Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas created the Platform Advocacy Committee, which is charged with publicizing and advocating for the Platform; and
WHEREAS, the Platform Advocacy Committee has set forth a list of ten planks from the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Platform approved by the delegates at the 2024 State Convention that, if passed into law, would advance the long-term strategic interests of the Party and would benefit all Texans, and these planks do not overlap with Priorities already being promoted by the Legislative Priorities Committee; and
WHEREAS, the Platform Advocacy Committee Chair has worked with RPT staff to draft the following press release in order to publicize the Platform; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee hereby approves the publication of this press release:
Today the Republican Party of Texas is pleased to present the ‘Top 10’ focus planks of the Platform Advocacy Committee for the upcoming legislative session, thoughtfully selected from our party’s Platform. These issues will have a significant impact on the lives of Texans and will advance the long-term interests of the Republican Party of Texas if passed into law:
1. Medical Freedom, #114
2. Texas Health Savings Account, #121
3. Enforce the Constitution, #3
4. Founding Documents in High School, #92
5. Obscenity Exemption, #150
6. End Sanctuary Cities, #242
7. Property Tax Relief, #76
8. Property Annexation, and De-annexation, #197
9. School Choice, #84
10. Environment, #43
For more information, check out our full platform at:
“The 89th Legislative Session is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to the values that make Texas strong,” stated RPT Chairman Abraham George. “This list of our top ten focus planks will continue the fight to keep Texas thriving.”
WHEREAS, our colleague and friend Carlos Humberto Cascos left this earth on June 26, 2024; and
WHEREAS, Carlos became a United States citizen at the age of 12 after coming to the United States with his parents Gloria and Hector; and
WHEREAS, Carlos became a certified public accountant and pursued a 50-year career in accounting that culminated with owning his own firm Cascos & Associates, PC; and
WHEREAS, Carlos served his community and State in multiple positions including Cameron County Commissioner, Cameron County Judge – the only Republican in history to win a countywide office in Cameron County three times, Commissioner for the Texas Public Safety Commission, the presiding officer of the Texas Border Security Council, and most notably as the 110th Texas Secretary of State; and
WHEREAS, Carlos was blessed with a loving wife of 47 years, Aurora Candida “Candi” Cascos and was the father of two daughters Casandra and Andrea; and
WHEREAS, Carlos served the Cameron County Republican Party as Precinct Chairman from 2017-2021 and went on to serve as Treasurer from 2020-2022; and
WHEREAS, Carlos was one of the greatest supporters and patrons of the local party during the period of record-breaking growth from 2017 onward; and
WHEREAS, Carlos served honorably as an elected member of the State Republican Executive Committee from Senate District 27 in 2020 and 2021; and
WHEREAS, Carlos was a kind soul always supportive of his colleagues on the SREC and offered his advice graciously and humbly and took criticism like a gentleman; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee recognizes the contributions of Carlos Cascos to his community, the Republican Party of Texas, and this great state; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee expresses our deepest condolences to Aurora Candida “Candi” Cascos, Casandra Cascos Ortiz, Andrea Cascos, their extended family, and to the beloved friends of our departed colleague.
WHEREAS, the Texas Constitution mandates the responsible use of taxpayer funds, ensuring that public monies are spent in a manner that is transparent, accountable, and in the best interest of Texas citizens; and
WHEREAS, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed separate lawsuits in October 2024 against Bexar and Travis Counties for engaging in the practice of hiring private companies to conduct voter registration efforts at the expense of local taxpayers; and
WHEREAS, the act of using taxpayer funds to pay private companies for voter registration services raises concerns about the proper use of public money, accountability, and the potential for partisan bias in voter registration activities; and
WHEREAS, counties, through their commissioners’ courts, have a responsibility to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent efficiently and for purposes that directly benefit the public good; and
WHEREAS, voter registration is a fundamental civic duty and, as such, should be carried out in a non-partisan and transparent manner, ensuring the integrity of the election process and the fair and equal treatment of all eligible voters; and
WHEREAS, the use of taxpayer funds to pay private companies to conduct voter registration could lead to conflicts of interest and undermine the public’s trust in the fairness and impartiality of the electoral process; and
WHEREAS, taxpayers should not bear the financial burden of private organizations that may not operate in a manner consistent with the principles of non-partisan and fair election practices; and
WHEREAS, Senator Paul Bettencourt has pre-filed SB 511 and Representative Tom Oliverson has pre-filed the companion bill HB 1489 for the 89th Legislative Session to prohibit the use of public funds to facilitate the distribution, by a third party, of voter registration applications to persons who did not request them; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas urges the Texas Legislature to pass legislation that prohibits counties, through their commissioners’ courts, from expending taxpayer funds to pay private companies to register voters; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this legislation should ensure that voter registration activities are carried out directly by government entities in a manner that is transparent, impartial, and free from conflicts of interest; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas stands in support of efforts to protect the integrity of the Texas electoral process and ensure that public funds are used responsibly and for the benefit of all Texas taxpayers.
WHEREAS, the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) is currently under review for the first time in 12 years by the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission, creating a critical opportunity to address longstanding concerns about the TEC’s overreach and abuse of authority; and
WHEREAS, when the TEC last underwent sunset review in 2013, TEC Chairman Paul Hobby confessed the agency had been weaponized against citizens:
“You ought to see these people who leave our meetings in tears, these sweet, simple people who missed a box, missed a deadline. They get a letter and they can’t sleep at night, they hire a lawyer they can’t afford. There’s no moral sanction here, they’re not convicted felons. But these people swear, they promise, ‘I’ll never participate in the process again.’”; and
WHEREAS, TEC enforcement practices have been widely criticized for punishing those who attempt to comply with its complex speech regulations, as TEC Chairman Jim Clancy confessed, “Those people who try to comply are punished for doing so”; and
WHEREAS, in the last 12 years, the TEC has gotten even worse: it has expanded its focus from ensuring transparency among public officials to penalizing private citizens and grassroots organizations, imposing disproportionate fines, such as $17,500 against an elderly woman for minor campaign finance paperwork errors in 2023; and
WHEREAS, the TEC’s blended civil/criminal sworn complaint process violates the right to due process; investigations are initiated by hostile political rivals, take place behind closed doors in the Capitol in Austin; Texans are compelled to testify and give evidence against themselves, and face fines of up to $5,000 if the TEC deems their cooperation lacking, all at the risk of either civil penalties or a referral by the TEC for criminal prosecution; and
WHEREAS, the 2024-25 Sunset Advisory Commission Staff Report on the TEC identified significant issues with the agency’s enforcement practices, including its punitive approach and lack of transparency, but nonetheless recommended eliminating de novo judicial review of TEC decisions, which would strip Texans entirely of their right to a fair trial; and
WHEREAS, the TEC is now calling for expanded powers and less accountability, such as the power to hire outside legal counsel without the approval of the Attorney General and the power to deny driver and occupational licenses to individuals unable to pay TEC-imposed fines; and
WHEREAS, the TEC has taken aim at the Republican Party itself, ruling in September that the Republican Party’s voter registration, transportation, and information efforts must be “provided equally to people who support and oppose the party’s candidates,” infringing on the Republican Party’s Constitutional right to support our Republican candidates; and
WHEREAS, at its December meeting, the TEC recently determined that Texas nonprofit organizations can be morphed into Political Committees, thus compelling them to disclose the privacy of their donors; and
WHEREAS, the TEC is a bipartisan commission of legislative appointees, half composed of Democrats, despite no Democrat being elected statewide in Texas for over 30 years, and wields enforcement powers despite being totally unaccountable to voters or elected officials; and
WHEREAS, the TEC violates the separation of powers by acting as a legislative agency with executive enforcement powers, with the recent In re Charette decision by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals making the encroachment on rights even worse by granting the TEC the judicial authority of a criminal court, consolidating its unchecked power spanning all three branches of government; and
WHEREAS, Plank 181 of the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Platform affirms our commitment to First Amendment rights to free speech and association, opposing government interference in these unalienable rights; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on the Texas Legislature to reject the TEC’s requests for expanded power, including the authority to hire outside counsel without review, the power to deny driver and occupational licenses, and instead, to rein in the TEC’s overreach and punitive practices; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas specifically opposes any efforts to eliminate de novo judicial review of TEC decisions; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be delivered to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, members of the Texas Legislature, and members of the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission.
WHEREAS, Plank 213 of the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Platform states in part:
Texas Speaker of the House, House Committees, and Legislative Quorum:
In the Texas Legislature:
a) We oppose the use of pledge cards and call for Republican members to caucus after each November General Election to determine, by secure secret ballot, their candidate for Speaker and Speaker Pro Tempore. We also call for Republican members to vote as a unified body for their selected Speaker and Speaker Pro Tempore candidate when the Legislature convenes in regular session, provided that the individual selected in caucus for speaker publicly pledges to comply with the entirety of this plank; and
WHEREAS, the Texas House Republican Caucus met on December 7, 2024, to nominate a candidate for Speaker in compliance with the Platform; and
WHEREAS, in the third vote, 26 Republican Representatives walked out of the Texas House Republican Caucus vote in an attempt to deny quorum to the Caucus so that a candidate could be elected with Democratic votes; and
WHEREAS, the Texas House Republican Caucus voted on the third ballot to support Representative David Cook of Tarrant County as their official nominee; and
WHEREAS, after extensive meetings with, and concessions offered by, Representative Dustin Burrows, the Texas House Democratic Caucus has “released” its members to vote for a Republican Speaker candidate other than Representative Cook in an effort to stop Republican agenda items such as school choice, ending taxpayer-funded lobbying, and ending the practice of appointing Democratic committee chairs; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas urges all members of the Texas House Republican Caucus to unite behind Representative David Cook and to immediately and publicly commit to vote for him in the floor vote for Speaker of the House; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on Representative Dustin Burrows, and any other Republican Representatives besides Representative Cook who have active campaigns for Speaker of the House, to immediately suspend any campaign activities for Speaker of the House and to commit to support Representative Cook; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas condemns any effort by Republican Representatives to ally with Democrats to elect a Speaker who was not supported by the majority vote of the Texas House Republican Caucus; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas praises the Representatives who did not originally support the caucus election winner, but attended the final vote anyway in a spirit of unity, and encourages them to unify behind Representative Cook in any floor vote; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a vote for any attempt to change the Rules of the Texas House of Representatives to allow a secret ballot vote in a floor vote for Speaker of the House will be interpreted by the SREC and by Republican voters as an attempt to hide a vote with Democrats, and as such, will be considered equivalent to a vote for a Speaker supported by Democrats, which the SREC will consider a censurable act.
WHEREAS, the Texas House Republican Caucus will meet on December 7, 2024, to select a candidate for Speaker of the Texas House, and
WHEREAS, Plank 213 of the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Platform states:
Texas Speaker of the House, House Committees, and Legislative Quorum:
In the Texas Legislature:
WHEREAS, the “No Democrat Chairs” priority adopted at the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Convention states, “The Republican-controlled Texas Legislature shall end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats and require all committees to be majority Republican,” and
WHEREAS, Republicans from President Donald J. Trump, to statewide officials, to legislators and local officials, were elected and reelected across the state of Texas by large margins, even in historically Democratic counties, due to new voters brought to the Republican Party on the strength of our shared commitment to our Platform and Legislative Priorities, including border security, election security, America First economic and foreign policy, and educational reform including school choice, and
WHEREAS, our Texas Republican legislators have the opportunity to build unity and confidence in the Texas House for their constituents, for the Party, and for their own legacies by uniting behind a leader who will act on the voters’ mandate to bring about the strongest and most conservative legislative session Texas has ever seen, now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on the members of the Texas House Republican Caucus to comply with the Platform by selecting a strong, conservative Republican who is committed to these reforms and is also committed to the Legislative Priorities adopted by the Republican Party of Texas delegates, and for whom they will vote as a unified body when the Legislature convenes, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas recognizes that some members may attempt to short-circuit this process through various means, including by denying a quorum to the Caucus, by voting with Democrats for a Speaker who was not selected by the Caucus, or through rule changes to allow for secret ballots in the leadership election – the voters of Texas who demand conservative reform will not be fooled by these subversive tactics, and efforts to elect a Speaker who will appoint Democratic committee chairmen, or to initiate or obscure an effort to elect a Speaker with Democratic votes will be considered, and seen and addressed by voters and by the Republican Party of Texas, as violations of the Platform and of the Legislative Priorities.
WHEREAS, the current administration of President Joseph R. Biden, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and the subordinate organizations of the Department of Homeland Security, have, since the beginning of this administration in January 2021, maintained an open border policy, which is in direct contravention to established federal law, and
WHEREAS, this open border policy has allowed for the invasion of millions of illegal aliens, causing a massive negative economic impact to Texans: among those illegal aliens are known terrorists from nations hostile to the United States, narco-terror agents from the drug cartels operating on both sides of the United States border, and violent criminals, some of whom are being imported directly from the prisons of Central and South American countries; and
WHEREAS, this shortsighted, intentionally malevolent open border policy by the Federal government, under the direct leadership of President Biden, and implemented by Director Mayorkas, has led directly to the proliferation of criminal violence by persons illegally present in the United States of America; and
WHEREAS, reporting by Federal Customs and Border Protection documents the significant rise in violent criminal activity by those unlawfully present in this country, and a comparison of the incidence of criminal convictions from fiscal years 2017-2020 to fiscal years 2021-2024 conclusively demonstrates the alarming and scandalous increase in criminal activity by illegal aliens: assault and battery offenses by illegal aliens have increased from 1,723 to 4,442 (increase of 158%), illegal drug offenses have increased from 2,955 to 7,657 (increase of 159%), illegal weapons offenses have increased from 394 to 1,138 (increase of 189%), sexual offenses have increased from 431 to 1,317 (increase of 206%), and homicide/manslaughter offenses have increased from 11 to 174 (increase of 1,482%) [1]; and
WHEREAS, this administration and its leadership bear direct, tangible, functional, and material responsibility for the economic burden of their irresponsible open borders policy and the massive increase in criminal activity against citizens of the United States, and the news is rife with new stories coming out almost daily of yet another child raped and murdered, another citizen viciously attacked, or another drunk driving homicide perpetrated by someone this administration has, with callous disregard for national security and the individual safety of our citizens, intentionally, willfully, and purposely allowed to enter and remain in our country; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee urges, on behalf of those who elected us and who elected our Republican Representatives, Senators, Lieutenant Governor, Governor, and Attorney General, a retroactive accounting of the costs that our state of Texas has incurred to defend our border with the nation of Mexico since 10:49 a.m. on January 20, 2021, which is the exact time that Joe Biden took office as President of the United States of America; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this accounting shall include, but shall not be limited to, the cost of deploying troops and citizens, the cost to administer the legislative writs and acts implemented in Texas to mitigate the deleterious effects of the negligence of the U.S. Government, the costs of the executive actions of the Texas Governor to authorize various responses, including, but not limited to, transportation of illegal aliens and invaders to sanctuary cities inside and outside of Texas and the deportation of illegal aliens and invaders, the cost of damage caused to public and state property, the costs to our state, our counties, and our cities of managing the massive influx of aliens and invaders, including the hiring of additional staff, equipment, and the costs of incarceration; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee will document and bring grievances to the Texas Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and the Legislature on behalf of our Texas citizens who have been harmed by the negligence of the U.S. Government, by cause of property damage, injury to, or death of, loved ones due to violent crimes by illegal alien invaders, and will document the grief, stress, and costs to Texas citizens for defending their private properties, including homes, possessions, and lands; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we urge to the Texas Legislature and our Texas Governor to publicly recognize that President Joseph R. Biden, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and all federal employees who bear responsibility together with them in the willful abdication of their obligation to protect our citizens and operate our borders in accordance with existing federal legislation, be declared as treasonous in their willful acts against the citizens of Texas, as we know with incontrovertible proof that our U.S. Government was, and still is, not only negligent in its duties to protect the people of Texas, but also wrongfully encouraged, enabled with instruction, and even financed the foreigners who illegally invaded our state, attacked and assaulted our citizens, and are actively destroying part of our culture; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that following these true accusations, we demand the Federal Government of the United States fully reimburse the State of Texas for all damages incurred, financial and otherwise, and seek the prosecution of Joseph R. Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas, and all those who assisted them in their crimes against our state and nation, and we implore our entire Legislature to support our Attorney General in filing the necessary lawsuits, for the purpose of tangibly demonstrating to the people of Texas that justice still exists in our state, and we ask these things on grounds of the U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4, standing firm in the authority of We the People, our state’s rights, and our God-given rights, recognized by our founding fathers who stood firm, and stood strong, and led with the courage and patriotism so desperately and critically needed in the face of the existential threats of proliferating tyranny; and we, the State Republican Executive Committee, and the people of Texas, insist that our Republican-led Legislature deliberately act with the same courage and conviction of our forebears, without delay, hearing the voice of We the People, since we need justice to be served, so that justice may retain any rightful meaning for our posterity.
WHEREAS, Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas states that “a County or Senatorial District Convention or a County or District Executive Committee may, after notice and invitation to the officeholder to appear and be provided time to speak before a County or Senatorial Convention or a County or District Executive Committee, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting, but in no case by less than a majority of the County Executive Committee (CEC) in full, adopt a resolution censuring a Republican public officeholder representing all or a portion of that County or District for three (3) or more actions taken during the current biennium in opposition to the core principles of the Republican Party of Texas as defined in the Preamble of the Party Platform as described in Rule No. 43A or to the Legislative Priorities adopted at the most recent State Convention as described in Rule 34(c)”; and
WHEREAS, the Medina County Republican Party, at its September 14, 2023 Executive Committee meeting, passed a “Resolution of Censure of Texas House Representative Andrew Murr, District 53” which identified, among other grievances, the following three actions taken during the current biennium (which began on June 18, 2022, when the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Convention adjourned sine die, having adopted its rules) in violation of the Principles or Legislative Priorities of the Republican Party of Texas:
WHEREAS, the Medina County Republican Party provided notice to Representative Andrew Murr’s office and an opportunity for him to speak prior to the vote taking place, and despite this invitation, Representative Murr did not respond to any communication or appear at the meeting to explain his actions; and
WHEREAS, the Medina County Republican Party Executive Committee passed the resolution of censure of Representative Andrew Murr by both a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present and voting and a 50% majority of all precinct chairs, even those not in attendance; and
WHEREAS, the term of office for Representative Andrew Murr expires after the 2024 Primary and General Elections, and he would be eligible to run for re-election to his House seat in the 2024 elections and also eligible to run for any other partisan office in the 2024 elections; and
WHEREAS, in discussing resolutions of censure passed by a County Executive Committee, Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas states that “such a resolution may include a request, to the SREC [State Republican Executive Committee] or any State Convention held prior to start of the filing period of a Republican Primary Election while these rules are in effect, that the named officeholder be penalized. If such a request is included, after not less than fourteen (14) days’ notice and opportunity to the officeholder to appear and be provided time to speak before the SREC or the State Convention in conformity with the request, the delegates of the State Convention by majority vote in the case of (1) below, or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote in the case of (2) below, or the State Republican Executive Committee by a three-fifths (3/5) vote of the full membership, may vote to concur with the resolution of censure and impose one or both of the following penalties:
Any above penalty imposed shall expire on the day following the date of the Primary runoff in which the officeholder would be up for re-election”; and
WHEREAS, in its resolution of censure, the Medina County Republican Party requested that the SREC “concur in this resolution of censure” and that the SREC “impose upon Texas House Representative Andrew Murr, the full set of penalties as provided in Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas instanter”; and
WHEREAS, the Republican Parties of Upton County, Bandera County, Real County, and Llano County, all of which are within District 53, have also passed resolutions censuring Representative Andrew Murr and requesting the concurrence of the SREC; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee concurs with the violations of Republican Party of Texas Principles and Legislative Priorities stated in the resolution of censure passed by the Medina County Republican Party and restated in this resolution; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas imposes both penalties identified in Rule 44 on Representative Andrew Murr as follows:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing in this Resolution shall be construed to prohibit the use of Party resources to encourage voting for Republican Party nominees or officeholders collectively, so long as Representative Andrew Murr is not identified by name.
WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas lost our beloved colleague and dear friend Elizabeth Grace Petersen on September 26, 2023; and
WHEREAS, Grace was a daughter of God with a deep faith for her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, served in leadership in her church’s women’s Bible study and training, youth department, and technology team, and was always willing to pray with anyone in need; and
WHEREAS, Grace was the mother to four beautiful children and a son-in-law who were the light of her life – Faith and her husband Wesley, Elijah, Hope, and Noah – whom she proudly homeschooled and educated in Christian, Conservative, American principles and whom she included in campaign activities and the legislative process; and
WHEREAS, Grace was a tireless conservative activist in the Republican Party, dedicated to her conservative values of life, family, and freedom; and
WHEREAS, Grace honorably served as the elected member of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) from Senate District 20 from 2020 until her passing; and
WHEREAS, while on the SREC, Grace shared her talents with the Convention Planning Committee as its Vice Chair, with the Rules Committee, and with the Election Integrity Committee; and
WHEREAS, Grace was a delegate to the Republican Party of Texas Conventions in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022, served on the State Convention Rules Committee in 2022, and was the Chair of the Senate District 20 Caucus in 2020; and
WHEREAS, Grace managed and volunteered on multiple campaigns at the local, state, and national levels, served as outreach coordinator for Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary film in 2016, and worked in numerous roles in the Mighty American Strike Force and Mighty Texas Strike Force in trips to New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Georgia, and throughout the Lone Star State; and
WHEREAS, Grace served as a valuable and respected member of three clubs in the Texas Federation of Republican Women: as the membership chair of the Midland County Republican Women, as a founding member of Alice King Republican Women, and as an active member of Nueces County Republican Women; and
WHEREAS, Grace ran for County Commissioner in Midland County in 2016, was a member of the Midland Young Republicans, and then upon moving to South Texas, became active in the Jim Wells County Republican Party, lending her skills as its Treasurer, and served as Vice President of the South Texas Young Republicans; and
WHEREAS, Grace possessed a remarkable ability to inspire and lead by example, and lived her life by the principles of abundant kindness, sincere compassion, and selfless service; and
WHEREAS, Grace was a fierce friend with a deep faith, and her devotion to be a godly woman was displayed in everything she did; and
WHEREAS, Grace was soft and kind, yet fierce as a lion when standing up for her beliefs, with a pioneering spirit and loving personality that will continue to inspire and encourage her children and those who were close to her for many years to come; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee recognizes the significant contributions of Elizabeth Grace Petersen to the Republican Party of Texas and to our country as a whole; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas expresses our deepest condolences to Elizabeth Grace Petersen’s children and entire family, to her dear friends throughout Texas, and to the countless people who were privileged to know, learn from, and be motivated by Grace in this life: may the Lord bless her children and keep them in the strong faith of their mother; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that Grace’s absence will be felt acutely at our upcoming meetings and conventions: we would be proud to welcome her children if they ever choose to follow in their mother’s footsteps and participate in any aspect of the Republican Party of Texas.
WHEREAS, both chambers of the Texas Legislature – the House of Representatives and the Senate – overwhelmingly passed resolutions to condemn the terrorist organization Hamas and its brutal, highly organized, and unprecedented attack upon the state of Israel and on her citizens in the early morning hours of October 7, 2023, and to request others to join them in denouncing hatred toward the Jewish people; and
WHEREAS, the foundational belief of Hamas is in the destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of Jews, and in its endeavor to fulfill that mission, Hamas has, for decades, waged war against Israel, which manifested on October 7 in a coordinated land, sea, and air invasion, which resulted in the deaths of at least one thousand innocent civilians, including several United States citizens, the highest number of Jews to ever be killed in a single day since the Shoah, the Holocaust; and
WHEREAS, in addition to the mass murder of Jews, Hamas terrorists kidnapped children, women, elderly, and infirm civilians as hostages, and by timing the operation to coincide with the observance of the final High Holy Days of the Jewish faith, targeted family gatherings, celebrations, and ceremonies of remembrance to maximize civilian casualties and terror; and
WHEREAS, the level of logistical sophistication of the attack and the boastful admission of guilt by the Iranian regime in supporting Hamas indicate the involvement of state sponsors of terror, including Iran, in these atrocities; and
WHEREAS, Israel has begun her justified response to these attacks, striking military targets within Gaza and preparing for a ground invasion, and by granting ample time and warning for civilians to evacuate, has already demonstrated the commitment to civility and respect for human life that is continually violated by attackers such as Hamas; and
WHEREAS, an appalling number of politicians, media figures, and activists in the United States have issued statements calling for “ceasefire” or, even worse, have praised the attacks as a demonstration of “decolonization” in action; and
WHEREAS, referring to Israel, Genesis 12:3 states, “I will bless those who bless you, and will curse those who curse you”; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas, drawing inspiration from Psalm 122, prays for peace in Israel and in the Middle East and condemns all enemies of Israel and those dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the West; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas acknowledges that true peace within Israel in the face of the threat posed by Hamas, which will accept nothing less than submission to Islam and is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the West, can only come from Hamas’s unconditional surrender or total elimination; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas rejects one-sided calls for ceasefire or de-escalation, such as those issued by many Democratic members of Congress, the Biden Administration’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the Administration’s Palestinian Affairs Office, and the Texas Democratic Party, and, recognizing the fact that the Jewish people were once subjected to the mass slaughter of half of their population in gas chambers and have in recent days seen over one thousand civilians systematically hunted down and butchered, supports Israel’s right to act decisively and unilaterally, without interference, to protect her citizens from Hamas and any other threats faced by her Jewish population; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon Texas law enforcement to remain vigilant in protecting Israeli Americans, Jews, and all supporters of Israel from acts of crime and violent jihad, in our neighborhoods, streets, public squares, and college campuses in these dangerous times, especially on October 13, 2023, which Hamas announced as “Al-Aqsa Flood Friday”; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas recognizes the threat to the United States posed by our own lack of border security and the presence of tens of millions of illegal aliens in the country, some of whom may be agents for Hamas, Hezbollah, or other Iran-funded terrorist groups – as evidenced by the number of verified members of terrorist watch lists detained at the border – and encourages Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Speaker Dade Phelan, and all members of the Texas Legislature to close and secure our border and deport illegal aliens; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas opposes the resettlement in the United States of any refugees from the Gaza Strip due to these security concerns; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas recognizes that the leftist ideology of “decolonization” is a thin pretext for genocide against Americans, Israelis, and our other Western allies, and calls upon the Boards of Regents of all public university systems in Texas to immediately eliminate extremist and racist “anti-colonial” courses, course content, and programs; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas condemns organizations such as the Democratic Socialists of America, and other entities, officials, and activists who refuse to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist or Israel’s right to defend her people.
Israeli Jews are being murdered, not for land, or for geopolitical reasons, but simply for being Jews – and this hatred is forcefully condemned by the Republican Party of Texas.
WHEREAS, the United States and Israel have maintained a strong relationship since 1948, when the United States was the first to recognize Israel as a sovereign country; and
WHEREAS, acts of anti-Semitism are on the rise across the United States since the attack by Hamas on Israel; and
WHEREAS, American soldiers have been deployed to assist Israel and allies in other ongoing conflicts around the world; and
WHEREAS, Texans have always answered the call to protect, serve, and defend the United States in all branches of the military, with more than 1.5 million Texans having answered the call; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas hereby:
WHEREAS, Texans will vote on fourteen proposals to amend the Texas Constitution in the November 7, 2023 election; and
WHEREAS, the fiscal impact of these proposals totals at least $24.3 billion; and
WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) supports the ultimate elimination of property taxes through Plank #90, the “Axe the Property Tax” plank, of the 2022 RPT Platform; and
WHEREAS, Proposition 4, which would dedicate a portion of the state surplus to increase the ad valorem homestead exemption from $40,000 to $100,000, advances the property tax relief promoted in Plank #91 of the 2022 RPT Platform, which supports dedicating surpluses to buy down school district maintenance and operation property tax; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas supports the passage of Proposition 4 on the November 7, 2023 ballot; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that supporting Proposition 4 shall be a priority for the Republican Party of Texas for the November 7, 2023 election; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas urges Texans to carefully examine all fourteen Propositions and their consequences; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas shall devote appropriate resources to the development and execution of a campaign to inform Texas Republican voters of the importance of this proposition.
WHEREAS, the Republican National Committee (RNC) adopted a “Resolution Urging a ‘Return to Excellence’ in Voting and Elections” during the RNC Summer 2023 Meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas declares our opposition to voting manipulation schemes and seeks to return to the functional and historic balloting and polling experience that Texans understand, appreciate, and accept; and
WHEREAS, ensuring the integrity of our voting and election administration is critical and foundational to maintaining a civil and decent society decentralized from a federal government, as the Founders intended; and
WHEREAS, Texans expect transparent, accurate, and timely determinations pertaining to elections and the administration of elections; and
WHEREAS, elections have been under assault from those on the Left as they attempt to implement schemes and intentionally inject chaotic administrative decisions that have drastically changed how elections are conducted in our most populous counties in Texas; and
WHEREAS, election officials are obliged to ensure equal polling place access and should not eliminate polling places in order to move to countywide voting, which has reduced the number of polling places in more conservative areas; and
WHEREAS, Democrats are attempting to pass non-citizen voting, ranked choice voting, and increased mail-in balloting in Texas, which the Republican Party of Texas has previously resolved to oppose in order to ensure that only United States citizens decide our elections; and
WHEREAS, the grassroots activists of the Republican Party of Texas have discovered and made it abundantly clear that there are recognized problems with electronic voting procedures and that our instituted systems and election processes have been intentionally complicated; and
WHEREAS, credible election experts agree that the most resilient voting systems are those that use paper ballots, either marked by hand or with an assistive device, and allow voters to verify their votes before any means of tabulation; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas opposes any means of voting that do not have proper safeguards in place or that are exclusively electronic, and calls on every county in the state to use ballot procedures that are fully auditable with hand-marked, voter-verifiable paper ballots to ensure that every vote is memorialized by a paper record; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on the Secretary of State to implement anti-counterfeit ballot printing, tracing, and verification procedures; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas supports the rights of counties that are willing and able to competently and efficiently implement voting procedures that do not require the use of machines and also supports those that implement hand counting procedures that are fully auditable to do so; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on the Texas Legislature to pass laws that allow for full and transparent hand-counting procedures that are planned, timely, and fully observable by the public and the registered parties for precinct-level audits and recounts; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on all Republican officeholders to defend the historic practice of geographically localized precinct polling places; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas stands firmly behind voter identification laws and calls on the Texas Legislature to keep and pass laws to ensure that the identity of every voter is verified, regardless of the method by which the citizen votes; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas opposes all efforts to unreasonably expand time periods for early or mail-in voting that make ballot counting procedures intentionally unmanageable or incapable of being completed expeditiously on election day; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls for the elimination of funding by non-governmental organizations, whether directly or indirectly, for all activities related to our elections; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls for the creation and maintenance of precinct polling places so that voting occurs in each legal precinct or geographic unit in order to provide impartial access for all voters; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls for a necessary “return to excellence” – a return to the simple and proven methods of precinct voting with auditable voting procedures using paper ballots, in fair, reasonable, and limited time periods, using proper voter identification to strengthen voter confidence and ensure that election procedures can be a fair and open process for all to participate.
WHEREAS, due process and the rule of law are the very foundation of our republic and necessary to the proper functioning of a free society, without which we become nothing more than a banana republic; and
WHEREAS, the Texas Senate voted to acquit Attorney General Ken Paxton on all 16 articles of impeachment that were heard at the Senate trial and voted to dismiss the other four articles of impeachment sent by the House of Representatives; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas is grateful to the Texas Senate for rejecting the politically motivated impeachment of Attorney General Paxton by the Texas House of Representatives that failed to satisfy due process, to comply with applicable Texas law and the Texas and United States Constitutions, and to adhere to precedent; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas agrees with Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick’s call for reform to the impeachment process, especially to require sworn testimony in House impeachment hearings and to end the practice of removal of the impeached officeholder from office until a trial has taken place, and encourages Governor Greg Abbott to call a special session for that purpose, or to add this reform as a charge to an existing special session.
WHEREAS, since 2020, the Republican Party of Texas Rule 32(a) has allowed the SREC to specify a standard format and method of submission for the lists, resolutions, and other records from the 2024 County and Senatorial District conventions; and
WHEREAS, accurately processing the large volume of data collected from all the Texas conventions – 266 County and Senatorial Conventions in 2022 – is a monumental task which must be completed by volunteers before State Convention Committees convene; and
WHEREAS, the entry of documents that are not entirely in digital format with selectable text is needlessly time-consuming for staff and volunteers, creates great potential for errors and omissions, and delays both convention planning and the work of the State Convention Committees; and
WHEREAS, implementing a uniform digital format would greatly facilitate and expedite the many days of work required of the limited number of qualified and willing volunteers of the Republican Party of Texas and the State Convention Committees; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to RPT Rule No. 32(a), the SREC authorizes the SREC Special Committee on Convention Planning and RPT staff to specify a standard format and method of submission for all reports and exhibits originating from the 2024 County and Senatorial District conventions; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the SREC requests that RPT staff work with the County and Senatorial District Temporary and Permanent Convention Chairs to require them to submit their reports using the specified format within the required deadlines; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the SREC commits to work with RPT staff to help educate County and Senatorial District Convention Chairs about the specified formats, and offer to assist the Convention Chairs with compliance, if necessary; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that documents explaining the resulting approved formats and methods be distributed to all Republican County Chairs and SREC members in Texas.
WHEREAS, the development of Colony Ridge near Plum Grove in Liberty County, Texas has grown to an estimated 50,000 to 75,000 inhabitants and spans over 60 square miles; and
WHEREAS, plots of land in this neighborhood are advertised in Spanish through international communication channels, and the developer allows for illegal aliens to obtain loans to purchase land using Individual Tax ID Numbers (ITINs) instead of Social Security Numbers; and
WHEREAS, according to an investigation by the Daily Wire, law enforcement presence is thin in this area, attracting not only illegal aliens who wish to evade immigration authorities, but also significant cartel and drug activity, including the Gulf and Sinaloa cartels which are reported to have purchased land in the early stages of the development in order to set up safe houses in the area; and
WHEREAS, despite the challenges posed to the community by illegal alien settlements and the cartel activity that follows them, the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office does not check immigration status in routine stops because, according to the office, it “would take forever”; and
WHEREAS, Cleveland ISD is required to educate illegal alien students who arrive in the district, and this has resulted in an unmanageable amount of growth for the district, causing enrollment to increase from 6,584 students to 12,400 over the course of four years; and
WHEREAS, Cleveland ISD has had to build several new schools and is reported to be hiring H-1B visa holders due to the number of foreign language teachers needed to keep pace with enrollment; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas asks for legislation to be added to the upcoming special session call, or to a subsequent special session, to prevent further settlement of illegal aliens in Colony Ridge and any other areas of Texas; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas recognizes and supports the efforts of Congressman Brian Babin, who represents Liberty County, for his role in drawing attention to this crisis; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on Attorney General Ken Paxton to initiate a full investigation into the development activities of Colony Ridge Land, LLC, and its possible connections to elected officials in the region.
Restore felony penalties and enact civil penalties for Election Code violations, which shall be enforceable by any Texas jurisdiction, including the Texas Attorney General. Require citizenship verification of each voter. Restrict the distribution of mail-in ballots to only disabled, military, and citizens that are out of state. Reduce the time allowed for early voting, and eliminate the three-day gap between early voting and election day. Establish closed primaries in Texas. As technology evolves, we encourage the passage of legislation that ensures the security of our elections. Sub-Committee Chair Devvie Duke
Texas shall immediately deny all taxpayer funded services and subsidies to illegal aliens. We call upon the Governor to assert his duty under Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the US Constitution to declare an invasion on our Texas border and do everything in his power to protect Texans from this invasion. The legislature shall direct the Governor to enter into an Interstate Compact with one or more states for Border Security. Sub-Committee Chair Kelly Perry
Texas must ban chemical castration, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, genital mutilation, bodily alteration surgery, psychological/social transitioning, and any other methods applied to or performed on children. Sub-Committee Chair Jill Glover
Repeal Texas Penal Code “Obscenity Exemption” 43.24(c), which allows children access to harmful, explicit, or pornographic materials and 43.25(f)(2 3), which allows sexual performance by a child. In addition, prohibit teaching, exposure, and/or discussion of sexual matters (mechanics, feelings, orientation, or “gender identity” issues), and prohibit use or provision of related books and other materials using criminal, civil or other enforcement measures. Sub-Committee Chair Christin Bentley
To ensure all legislative Republican priorities are given a fair opportunity to become law, the Republican-controlled Texas legislature shall adopt a rule that would end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats. Sub-Committee Chair David Wylie
Abolish abortion by ensuring the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization, including adopting effective tools to ensure the enforcement of our laws to protect life when district attorneys fail to do so. Sub-Committee Chair Jon Ker
Protect our gun rights against threats, such as red flag laws, federal, state or other restrictions, by strengthening and preserving our inalienable rights under the second amendment to protect our life, liberty and property. The Texas Legislature should eliminate gun-free zones. Sub-Committee Chair Chris Byrd
Parents are the primary decision makers for their children in all matters. This authority shall be protected as an inalienable right. This shall include the choice of schooling where the money follows the child without strings attached, and enforcement and penalty mechanisms when parents’ rights are violated. The right to education shall be free from any social theories. Sub-Committee Chair Tisha Crowe
To repel invasion and deter illegal immigration:
Securing elections from each citizen’s registration to the final count of legal votes by:
Stopping the sexualization of minors, which leads to abuse, exploitation, and trafficking, by:
The Republican-controlled Texas Legislature shall end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats and require all committees to be majority Republican.
Prohibiting all forms of taxpayer-funded lobbying, including the use of tax dollars to hire lobbyists and payment of tax dollars to associations that lobby the Legislature.
Securing the integrity of Texas electricity production and delivery of abundant, reliable, and resilient energy, ensuring that the Texas grid can withstand any natural or manmade threat to include weather, cyber, physical, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and geomagnetic disturbances (GMD).
Banning the sale of real property in Texas, and discontinuing taxpayer funding and incentives, to governments, entities, and proxies of China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, and to individuals from these nations who are not legal permanent residents or citizens of the United States.
Resisting unconstitutional federal acts and mandates that restrict transportation, including mandatory kill switches in vehicles, road diets, and restrictions on the owner’s right to repair vehicles and equipment. Ensuring that Texans have medical freedom and can give or withhold consent for any vaccine or medical treatment without coercion, are not discriminated against based on vaccine status, and are not faced with any vaccine or medical mandate by public or private entities.
These priorities were chosen by delegates at the state convention, May 23-25, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas. Delegates were presented with a list of 15 topics selected by the Legislative Priorities Committee after a comprehensive review of resolutions passed at the precinct and senate district levels of the convention process. Delegates were allowed to vote on 8 topics, which became the official Legislative Priorities of the Republican Party of Texas.
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