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Official Documents

RPT’s Mission

To promote a conservative philosophy of government:

By promoting conservative principles; and

By providing the infrastructure through which those who share our conservative principles can get involved in the political process, run for and be elected to public office, and govern according to our principles when elected.

What Republicans Believe

A platform is the formal declaration of the principles on which a party stands and makes it appeal to voters. Basically, it is the Party’s statement of beliefs on certain issues. As explained below, the RPT platform is passed at the state convention in June of even-numbered years.

Becoming A Republican

Texas does not have registration by political party. A voter becomes a Republican by voting in the Republican Primary or Republican Primary Run-Off.

Primary Process

Political parties hold a primary election in March of even numbered years.

Currently, only two parties hold primaries – the Republican Party and the Democrat Party.
In Texas, registered voters may vote in either political party’s primary; however, a voter may vote in only one party’s primary in each election cycle.

If a voter votes in one party’s primary, he may not vote in the other party’s run-off election in that same year. Registered voters who do not vote in the primary election may vote in a run-off election of either party that year.

Republican Primary voters elect the Republican candidates who will appear on the general election ballot, their precinct chairmen, and their county chairmen. Thus, primary voters have a greater influence on the final outcome of the general election than those who only vote in the general election.

Those who vote in the Republican primary election (either in person or by mail) can then attend the various Republican Party conventions held that year.

Political Party Conventions

In Texas, parties hold their own conventions in election years. In even-numbered years, Texas Republicans hold precinct conventions, county or senatorial district conventions, a state convention, and in presidential years, a national convention.
The purposes of the conventions are to:

  • Choose delegates and alternates to the next higher convention level, when applicable; and
  • Consider resolutions or statements on policy issues to send to the next higher convention and/or for eventual inclusion in the state or national Party platform.
2024 3rd Quarter Meeting
2024 1st Quarter Meeting
2023 4th Quarter Meeting
2023 3rd Quarter Meeting
2023 2nd Quarter Meeting
2023 1st Quarter Meeting
2022 4th Quarter Meeting
2022 3rd Quarter Meeting
2022 September 14 Special Meeting
2022 August 16 Special Meeting
2022-2024 Organizational Meeting
2022 Pre-Convention SREC Meeting
2022 April 26 Special Meeting
2022 1st Quarter Meeting
2021 4th Quarter Meeting
2021 3rd Quarter Meeting
2021 2nd Quarter Meeting
2020 4th Quarter Meeting
2020 3rd Quarter Meeting
2020 2nd Quarter Meeting
2020 1st Quarter Meeting
2019 4th Quarter Meeting
2019 3rd Quarter Meeting
2019 2nd Quarter Meeting
2019 1st Quarter Meeting
2018 4th Quarter Meeting
2018 3rd Quarter Meeting
6/16/2018 2018-2020 SREC Organizational Meeting
6/13/2018 Pre-Convention SREC Meeting
2018 2nd Quarter Meeting
2018 1st Quarter Meeting
2017 4th Quarter Meeting
2017 3rd Quarter Meeting
9/22/2017 Special SREC Meeting
2017 2nd Quarter Meeting
2017 1st Quarter Meeting
2016 4th Quarter Meeting
2016 3rd Quarter Meeting
8/6/2016 Special SREC Meeting
Previous Officials Committee minutes are available to SREC members upon request

June 22, 2018:

Hello, we have a county executive meeting to change bylaws this Saturday morning and there are 3 items out of line with state rules. Can you please respond officially per RULE 1, (f), page 2 “Clarification” by State Chair. Thank you for your help! Starr Finn SD 22, Precinct 22 Chairwoman

Rule 9, Page 6 Executive Committee Quorum – can you please confirm the quorum should not be changed by county bylaws. The quorum is set for all counties. This is how it reads.

Precinct Chair endorsements during contested primaries – Precinct Chairs in counties all over Texas are endorsing candidates. The proposed bylaw is to censor Precinct Chairs from endorsing in Hill County. Our governor recently endorsed a candidate running for Texas House in our county. If the governor and other Republicans can endorse across the state, Precinct Chairs in Hill county should be able to endorse as well. It is our freedom of speech. There is no state rule censoring Precinct Chairs. This was proposed by the county chair. Vetting is an important part of my job.

Rule No. 5 – Parliamentary Authority, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised – the county chair is trying to change the bylaws to say we are “guided” by Robert’s Rules so we don’t have to hold to it. I disagree and do not see this change in line with state rules.

Rule 9

There is no ambiguity in Rule 9.

The quorum to conduct statutory business is those members present.
The quorum to fill a vacancy is at least ¼ of the membership, but may be set higher through local rules.
The quorum to conduct all other business is ¼ of the membership.

Precinct chair endorsements

There is no rule regarding precinct chair endorsements for me to clarify as state chair. While there are disciplinary proceedings that can be conducted under Robert’s rules, there is nothing here for me to clarify.

Rule 5

There is no ambiguity in Rule 5. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised is the parliamentary authority on all matters not superseded by the US Constitution, Texas Constitution, statutes, RPT Rules, local bylaws, special rules of order or local standing rules.

June 25, 2018


In regards to RPT Rule 8e, can you clarify what is an organizational meeting?


RPT Rule 8e is referring to the organizational meeting as that described under RONR pages 553-561 in organization of permanent society.

Additional Response

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised details how to organize a permanent society on pages 553-561. This is detailed as a first organizational meeting and a second organizational meeting.

The business of the first meeting consists of the following:

Election of Temporary Officers
Adoption of a Resolution to Form a Society
Further Business relating to Organization
Create a bylaws committee
Fix the date, hour, and place of next meeting
Motion authorizing the bylaws committee to provide reproduced copies of the draft for distribution

The business of the second meeting consists of the following:

Reading and approval of minutes
Consideration and adoption of proposed bylaws
Enrollment of members
Reading of Roll
Election of Permanent Officers
Other Business

Because the Texas Election Code names the Chairman of the County Executive Committee, forms the society, and defines membership, RPT Rules set forth a single organizational meeting. At this meeting, there are no existing bylaws. Governing the conduct of this meeting is only the US Constitution, Texas Constitution, Texas Election Code, and RPT Rules which define Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised as the parliamentary authority.


RPT Rule 8e

Organizational Meeting of a County Executive Committee – A County Executive Committee shall hold its organizational meeting within forty-five (45) days after the term of office begins for the County Chairman and the Precinct Chairmen. (The term of office begins twenty (20) days after the Primary Runoff Election according to Subsection 171.022 (c) of the TEC.) The County Chairman shall be responsible for calling the meeting however, if the County Chairman does not call the meeting, then one-fourth (1/4) or 50 of the Precinct Chairmen whichever is fewer, may, by written demand, call an organizational meeting. Notice of the organizational meeting and a copy of any proposed Bylaws and/or Rules shall either be mailed via the USPS or emailed, and be posted on the county party website, if available. Delivery will be to the last known address of the members of the executive committee at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the meeting. Such notice shall state the time, date, and location of the meeting and the names(s) of the person(s) issuing the call. The agenda of the organizational meeting shall include, but not be limited to, the swearing in of the newly elected executive committee members and the adoption of Bylaws and/or Rules for the biennium. Failure to adopt bylaws and/or rules for the current biennium shall enact the previous biennium’s bylaws and/or rules.

Mr. Shorten,

Thank you for your email dated July 16, 2018. It pains me to see infighting in our local county executive committees. We are capable of so much when we work together towards our common goals. 

As State Party Chair, I have not and do not take sides in matters of local county executive committees. Republican Party of Texas Rule 1f only allows the State Party Chair to clarify ambiguity in the RPT Rules. It does not allow me to opine on legal matters or tax liability. 

Section 1


Did you receive such request? If so, when?


Yes, Mr. Reed requested clarification on July 13th.


Did Mr. Reed identify the actual issue that his question was in reference to the existing Montgomery County Republican Party passing new Bylaws that completely replaced the old Bylaws on June 26, 2018 with a majority vote rather than a 2/3 vote?


As State Party Chair, I have not and do not take sides in matters of local county executive committees. Republican Party of Texas Rule 1f only allows the State Party Chair to clarify ambiguity in the RPT Rules. 

Section 2


When is the next scheduled meeting of the SREC?


There is a special meeting of the SREC scheduled for August 11th. The agenda for this meeting is brief. The next regular meeting of the SREC is September 22nd. 


Since you also stated in your response that Mr. Reed’s question was NOT ambiguous, does that mean you did not provide a clarification to his question in your response? 


The SREC makes the final decision of the meaning of the RPT Rules, including RPT 1f. It is my opinion that there was nothing under RPT Rule 1f for me to offer clarification. There is no ambiguity as to what threshold is required for the adoption of bylaws or rules. 


Since Mr. Reed’s question was NOT ambiguous, will the SREC vote to confirm your clarification regarding the majority vote in Montgomery County when new Bylaws completely superseded the old Bylaws on June 26, 2018?


Whether the question was ambiguous or not, the SREC has no obligation to take up the matter. In order to take up Mr. Reed’s question, the SREC would first need to determine that RPT Rule 1f allows them to clarify a question where the State Party Chair determined there was no ambiguity.


Can you define “brought into being”?


I cannot. That is a phrase from Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. RPT Rules discuss the requirement of an organizational meeting. The term “organizational meeting” is used in Robert’s Rules for the purpose of creating a society.


Does “brought into being” mean a newly formed organization?


Please see the reply to the previous question.


Under RPT or any other authority, is the Montgomery County Republican Party re-created every two years even though it has the same tax ID number and legal structure for the last 54 years?


As State Party Chair, I have not and do not take sides in matters of local county executive committees. Republican Party of Texas Rule 1f only allows the State Party Chair to clarify ambiguity in the RPT Rules.


How does RPT Rule 8 impact the adoption of County Bylaws at the biennial meetings?


RPT Rule 8e determines who calls the organizational meeting and the requirements needed to protect the rights of the executive committee members. 


Does RPT Rule 8(d) apply when Bylaws are amended?


RPT Rule 8(d) applies to the bylaws of the SREC, not the bylaws of a county executive committee.

Many of the questions you raise that do not touch on RPT Rules create interesting academic questions. These questions touch on legal principles that the Republican Party of Texas has taken great interest in to defend our associational rights.

I pray that the local party is able to work together and heal the fractures in relationships. There is great need to treat each other with respect if we are to succeed in our attempts at self governance both within our organizations and within government.

James Dickey

Thank you for your email. RPT Rule 1f provides the Republican State Chair the authority to clarify rules where ambiguity exists subject to final clarification by the SREC. I read your question as “What does the phrase ‘Organizational Meeting for a County Executive Committee’ mean in Rule 8e?”

RPT Rule 8e uses the term “organizational meeting” in the same sense that is used in Robert’s Rules of Order. RONR page 555 lines 6-11 reads:
“Such a resolution, it should be noted, is only a declaration of intention; its adoption does not bring the organization into being, which is accomplished by the adoption of bylaws and the signing of the membership roll by those who initially join the society, as described below [emphasis added].”

So, with respect to a County Executive Committee, an Organizational Meeting is the first CEC meeting each biennium, called in accordance with Rule 8e, at which bylaws are adopted, and at which members (precinct chairs and county chair) are sworn in (placed on the membership roll).

In the fight to defeat Democrats this November it is critical that each of us fulfill our unique roles and work together toward victory. I pray for wisdom and grace for all.

Please do not hesitate to email or call if there is any way I can be of assistance.

James Dickey

Chairman, Republican Party of Texas

Allison Winter and Walter West wrote:

Thank you for your patience and service to the Republican Party of Texas!

As SREC Committee members representing SD4, we respectfully request a formal clarification of Rule No. 8(e) in accordance with Rule No. 1(f).

RPT Rule 8e gives details around what must happen at an Organizational Meeting for a County Executive Committee, how it can be called, and the notice requirements for it. But the term “Organizational Meeting” itself is ambiguous as it is not defined. Can you please provide clarification on what makes an Organizational Meeting for a County Executive Committee?

Thank you for your email. RPT Rule 1f provides the Republican State Chair the authority to clarify rules where ambiguity exists subject to final clarification by the SREC. I read your question as “What does the word ‘committee meeting’ mean in in RPT Rule 7(b)(5)?”

I clarify that RPT Rule 7(b)(5) means all committee meetings, including state executive committee meetings and county executive committee meetings.

I come to this conclusion by adhering to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised principles of interpretation #8. The term ‘committee meeting’ is a general term that encompasses two or more specific terms. The specific terms ‘state executive committee meeting’, ‘county executive committee meeting’, ‘committee of the state executive committee’, and ‘committee of a county executive committee’ all fall within the general term ‘committee meetings.’

I would also caution for your calculations that the county chair is a member of the executive committee and therefore should be counted in determining the proper number that constitutes one-fifth of the members.

Best Regards,

James Dickey

Republican Party of Texas State Chairman

RONR p 591 ll 10-14.

In cases where the bylaws use a general term and also two or more specific terms that are wholly included under the general one, a rule in which only the general term is used applies to all the specific terms.

Chairman Easton,

Thank you for your email. RPT Rule 1f provides the Republican State Chair the authority to clarify rules where ambiguity exists subject to final clarification by the SREC. I read your question as “Do members need be present during a vote to demand in writing a roll call vote be taken on a subject?”

I do find there there to be ambiguity in the rule. I therefore clarify under RPT Rule 1f that a member does not need to be in attendance for a vote in order to demand in writing that a roll call vote be taken on a vote(s).

With that said, I further clarify that a member need not be present at the meeting where the vote is to take pace.

Please be aware that the intent of RPT Rule 7 is to safeguard against a presiding officer inaccurately determining the outcome of a motion for a roll call vote that is otherwise decided by division. The intent is not to allow a small, but sufficiently large minority to tax the body. The clarification here and the lack of clarification in response to your November email keep that intent in mind when reviewing the language adopted by the 2018 State Convention.

Best Regards,

James Dickey

Republican Party of Texas State Chairman

Mr. Chandler,

Thank you for your email concerning “live streaming” of an executive committee meeting. With your permission, I will interpret your email as asking whether there is ambiguity in rule 8(g) of the Republican Party of Texas. The authority to clarify perceived ambiguity rests with myself as state Chair pursuant to RPT rule 1(f). Such clarifications are binding on all members of the Republican Party of Texas until such final clarification is made by the SREC.

RPT Rule 8(g) Open Meetings and Right to Testify – All meetings of any State or County Executive Committee or its committees, subcommittees, or ad hoc committees shall be open to any member of that executive committee, and they shall have the right to appear before any such committee, subcommittee, or ad hoc committee and make recommendations for the committee’s consideration or testify concerning any item under purview of the committee and to record the proceedings of any meeting not held in executive session with electronic devices. The committee may adopt reasonable rules including time limits for such presentations and may establish a reasonable limit of time for these presentations. This Rule does not preclude the committee from going into executive session; however, such executive session(s) shall be open to any member of the executive committee including ex-officio members.

The intent and purpose of this rule is to allow all members to have a true reference of the proceedings. As such, a medium is necessary to save that content. A convenient method with today’s technology to preserve that reference is to save the content to the cloud through any number of service providers (Dropbox, Facebook Live, YouTube, etc). Some of these providers allow the live rebroadcast of that content that is referred to as “live streaming”.

The only method that a body (not the Chair) has to limit the sharing of information is by conducting a meeting in executive session.

It is therefore my clarification that “live streaming” is a type of recording and a protected right of members of that executive committee and can only be prevented by the body voting to go into executive session. Nothing in these rules contemplates an executive committee providing access to the internet to the members or to the public for these meetings. That is the responsibility of the person recording.

“Limited Term” Driver’s Licenses

The Texas Department of Public Safety issues “limited term” driver’s licenses to non-citizens with temporary lawful status in the United States. In 2018, the Texas Secretary of State’s office provided

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2024 Primary Runoff Canvass

The State Canvass for the Republican Party of Texas Primary Runoff Election will begin at 1 PM, Friday, June 14th, 2024 at the Republican Party of Texas headquarters, 807 Brazos

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2024 Convention Call

Pursuant to the Republican Party of Texas Rule 33.a this is the official call for the 2024 Republican Party of Texas State Convention.

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Resolution Censuring Representative Andrew Murr by the Republican Party of Texas

WHEREAS, Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas states that “a County or Senatorial District Convention or a County or District Executive Committee may, after notice and invitation to the officeholder to appear and be provided time to speak before a County or Senatorial Convention or a County or District Executive Committee, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting, but in no case by less than a majority of the County Executive Committee (CEC) in full, adopt a resolution censuring a Republican public officeholder representing all or a portion of that County or District for three (3) or more actions taken during the current biennium in opposition to the core principles of the Republican Party of Texas as defined in the Preamble of the Party Platform as described in Rule No. 43A or to the Legislative Priorities adopted at the most recent State Convention as described in Rule 34(c)”; and

WHEREAS, the Medina County Republican Party, at its September 14, 2023 Executive Committee meeting, passed a “Resolution of Censure of Texas House Representative Andrew Murr, District 53” which identified, among other grievances, the following three actions taken during the current biennium (which began on June 18, 2022, when the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Convention adjourned sine die, having adopted its rules) in violation of the Principles or Legislative Priorities of the Republican Party of Texas:   

  • Texas House Representative Andrew Murr (April 6, 2023, House Record Vote: 111) voted in favor of HB 1 Amendment 45 by Herrero (D-Robstown) to prohibit use of appropriated money for school vouchers or other similar programs. Such act prohibited money appropriated from being used to pay for or support a school voucher, including an education savings account, tax credit scholarship program, or a grant or other similar program to which a child may use state money for non-public primary or secondary education. This action was in opposition to the seventh core principle and the eighth Legislative Priority of Parental Rights and Educational Freedom; and
  • Texas House Representative Andrew Murr, acting as Chair of the Committee on General Investigating (CGI), engaged in a pattern of action demonstrably opposed to the first, third, fourth, fifth, and eighth core principles by:
    1. Moving to impeach Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and thereby overturning the will of the November 2022 voters in opposition to the third principle as more particularly described in:
      1. the Republican Party of Texas “Resolution Condemning the Impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton” dated June 20, 2023 (being entirety adopted by this body); and
      2. dishonoring fundamental constitutional rights and protections of due process in opposition to core principle one and the Preamble of the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Platform; and
      3. admitting to knowingly failing to present any sworn testimony for consideration by House members as required by Texas Government Code §301.022 in opposition to the first, third, fourth, and fifth core principles; and
      4. failing to provide Attorney General Paxton notice and provide the opportunity to prepare, to be heard, to present evidence in his defense, or to cross-examine witnesses, contrary to the U.S. Constitution Amendments IV, V, VI, and XIV, and to the precedent established by the Texas House of Representatives in the 1975-76 Carrillo impeachment proceeding, and in opposition to the Preamble of the Republican Party of Texas Platform and core principles one, three, five, and eight; and
    2. Distributing a Memorandum on May 26, 2023 (“Memorandum”) to the members of the House of Representatives hours before a vote on the floor for an impeachment that compromised the Attorney General’s right to a fair trial, his right to be heard and the presumption of innocence by misstating mere opinions as facts never found or adjudicated, which stated: “Because of Paxton’s long-standing pattern of abuse of office and public trust, disregard and dereliction of duty, and obstruction of justice and abuse of judicial process, it is imperative the House proceed with impeachment…”; such action was in opposition to the Preamble of the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Platform and core Principles one, three, four, five and, eight; and
    3. Falsely stating in the Memorandum that the Texas Supreme Court opined In re Carrillo (1976): “The Court explained that Section 665.081 only applies…” when §665.081 of the Texas Government Code did not become effective until September 1, 1993, seventeen (17) years later; this false predicate was an effort to further lead House members to an impeachment vote in opposition to the Preamble of the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Platform and Principles one, three, four, five, and eight; and
  • Texas House Representative Andrew Murr was absent for an important vote for SJR 35, (excused to attend a meeting on the General Investigating Committee) that would have amended the Texas Constitution to require United States citizenship to vote; such measure failed by 88 voting “yes,” 54 voting “present, not voting,” and no House member voting “no”; the bill died, failing to receive 100 votes; not wanting to be left out from the record, Representative Murr entered in the House Journal (88R) on page 5197 regarding record vote #2041 that, had he been present, he would have noted “no,” making him the only lawmaker to vote against SJR 35; such action by Representative Murr was in direct opposition to the Preamble of the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Platform, core Principle three, and the first Legislative Priority, “Protect Our Elections”; and

WHEREAS, the Medina County Republican Party provided notice to Representative Andrew Murr’s office and an opportunity for him to speak prior to the vote taking place, and despite this invitation, Representative Murr did not respond to any communication or appear at the meeting to explain his actions; and

WHEREAS, the Medina County Republican Party Executive Committee passed the resolution of censure of Representative Andrew Murr by both a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present and voting and a 50% majority of all precinct chairs, even those not in attendance; and 

WHEREAS, the term of office for Representative Andrew Murr expires after the 2024 Primary and General Elections, and he would be eligible to run for re-election to his House seat in the 2024 elections and also eligible to run for any other partisan office in the 2024 elections; and

WHEREAS, in discussing resolutions of censure passed by a County Executive Committee, Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas states that “such a resolution may include a request, to the SREC [State Republican Executive Committee] or any State Convention held prior to start of the filing period of a Republican Primary Election while these rules are in effect, that the named officeholder be penalized. If such a request is included, after not less than fourteen (14) days’ notice and opportunity to the officeholder to appear and be provided time to speak before the SREC or the State Convention in conformity with the request, the delegates of the State Convention by majority vote in the case of (1) below, or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote in the case of (2) below, or the State Republican Executive Committee by a three-fifths (3/5) vote of the full membership, may vote to concur with the resolution of censure and impose one or both of the following penalties:

  1. Declare that no Rule or Bylaw enacted by any division of the Party at any level that demands the Party be neutral in intraparty contests shall be observed with respect to the named officeholder, and no financial or other support shall be provided to their campaign by the Party except that which is required by law. If the officeholder files an application to run for any public office in the Republican Party primary following the censure resolution’s passage, the SREC shall be authorized to spend up to twelve percent (12%) of the Party’s general fund on voter education in the officeholder’s district, by republishing the original censure resolution verbatim, using a media format determined by the SREC.
  2. Declare that the named officeholder is discouraged from participating in the Republican

Any above penalty imposed shall expire on the day following the date of the Primary runoff in which the officeholder would be up for re-election”; and

WHEREAS, in its resolution of censure, the Medina County Republican Party requested that the SREC “concur in this resolution of censure” and that the SREC “impose upon Texas House Representative Andrew Murr, the full set of penalties as provided in Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas instanter”; and

WHEREAS, the Republican Parties of Upton County, Bandera County, Real County, and Llano County, all of which are within District 53, have also passed resolutions censuring Representative Andrew Murr and requesting the concurrence of the SREC; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee concurs with the violations of Republican Party of Texas Principles and Legislative Priorities stated in the resolution of censure passed by the Medina County Republican Party and restated in this resolution; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas imposes both penalties identified in Rule 44 on Representative Andrew Murr as follows:

  1. No Rule or Bylaw enacted by any division of the Party at any level that demands the Party be neutral in intraparty contests shall be observed with respect to Representative Andrew Murr, and no financial or other support shall be provided to his campaign by the Party except that which is required by law. If Representative Murr files an application to run for any public office in the 2024 Republican Party Primary, the SREC shall be authorized to spend up to twelve percent (12%) of the Party’s general fund on voter education in the state of Texas, by republishing this censure resolution verbatim, using a media format determined by the SREC.
  2. Representative Andrew Murr is discouraged from participating in the 2024 Republican Party Primary; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing in this Resolution shall be construed to prohibit the use of Party resources to encourage voting for Republican Party nominees or officeholders collectively, so long as Representative Andrew Murr is not identified by name.

Resolution Honoring Elizabeth Grace Petersen

WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas lost our beloved colleague and dear friend Elizabeth Grace Petersen on September 26, 2023; and

WHEREAS, Grace was a daughter of God with a deep faith for her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, served in leadership in her church’s women’s Bible study and training, youth department, and technology team, and was always willing to pray with anyone in need; and 

WHEREAS, Grace was the mother to four beautiful children and a son-in-law who were the light of her life – Faith and her husband Wesley, Elijah, Hope, and Noah – whom she proudly homeschooled and educated in Christian, Conservative, American principles and whom she included in campaign activities and the legislative process; and

WHEREAS, Grace was a tireless conservative activist in the Republican Party, dedicated to her conservative values of life, family, and freedom; and

WHEREAS, Grace honorably served as the elected member of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) from Senate District 20 from 2020 until her passing; and

WHEREAS, while on the SREC, Grace shared her talents with the Convention Planning Committee as its Vice Chair, with the Rules Committee, and with the Election Integrity Committee; and

WHEREAS, Grace was a delegate to the Republican Party of Texas Conventions in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022, served on the State Convention Rules Committee in 2022, and was the Chair of the Senate District 20 Caucus in 2020; and

WHEREAS, Grace managed and volunteered on multiple campaigns at the local, state, and national levels, served as outreach coordinator for Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary film in 2016, and worked in numerous roles in the Mighty American Strike Force and Mighty Texas Strike Force in trips to New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Georgia, and throughout the Lone Star State; and

WHEREAS, Grace served as a valuable and respected member of three clubs in the Texas Federation of Republican Women: as the membership chair of the Midland County Republican Women, as a founding member of Alice King Republican Women, and as an active member of Nueces County Republican Women; and  

WHEREAS, Grace ran for County Commissioner in Midland County in 2016, was a member of the Midland Young Republicans, and then upon moving to South Texas, became active in the Jim Wells County Republican Party, lending her skills as its Treasurer, and served as Vice President of the South Texas Young Republicans; and

WHEREAS, Grace possessed a remarkable ability to inspire and lead by example, and lived her life by the principles of abundant kindness, sincere compassion, and selfless service; and 

WHEREAS, Grace was a fierce friend with a deep faith, and her devotion to be a godly woman was displayed in everything she did; and 

WHEREAS, Grace was soft and kind, yet fierce as a lion when standing up for her beliefs, with a pioneering spirit and loving personality that will continue to inspire and encourage her children and those who were close to her for many years to come; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee recognizes the significant contributions of Elizabeth Grace Petersen to the Republican Party of Texas and to our country as a whole; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas expresses our deepest condolences to Elizabeth Grace Petersen’s children and entire family, to her dear friends throughout Texas, and to the countless people who were privileged to know, learn from, and be motivated by Grace in this life: may the Lord bless her children and keep them in the strong faith of their mother; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that Grace’s absence will be felt acutely at our upcoming meetings and conventions: we would be proud to welcome her children if they ever choose to follow in their mother’s footsteps and participate in any aspect of the Republican Party of Texas.

A Resolution Affirming the Commitment of the Republican Party of Texas to Combatting Anti-Semitism and to Supporting Our Honorable U.S. Military Members and Texas Military Heroes

WHEREAS, the United States and Israel have maintained a strong relationship since 1948, when the United States was the first to recognize Israel as a sovereign country; and

WHEREAS, acts of anti-Semitism are on the rise across the United States since the attack by Hamas on Israel; and

WHEREAS, American soldiers have been deployed to assist Israel and allies in other ongoing conflicts around the world; and

WHEREAS, Texans have always answered the call to protect, serve, and defend the United States in all branches of the military, with more than 1.5 million Texans having answered the call; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas hereby:

  • affirms our commitment to unwavering support for the sovereign nation of Israel;
  • supports the right of Israel to defend herself and protect her citizens from Hamas and other parties engaged in a global jihad to exterminate Israel and her people;
  • reaffirms our commitment by denouncing all forms of anti-Semitism and violence against Israel, Israeli Americans, Jewish Americans, and supporters of Israel;
  • affirms our commitment to and support for all Texans who bravely answer the call to serve in any of the American Armed Services;
  • affirms our commitment to remember Texas military heroes, from the Sons and Daughters of Texas who held their ground at the Alamo, Gonzales, and Goliad, to Texas heroes like Audie Murphy in World War II and the 21st Century Texas hero, the legendary American Sniper Christopher Kyle, as well as all the Texas heroes to come;
  • fully supports and gives thanks to the Texas Legislators and Congressmen who have passed bipartisan resolutions supporting Israel; and
  • fully supports and gives thanks to the Honorable Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Honorable Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who publicly continue to solidify the relationship between Texas and Israel, reaffirm our state’s commitment to combatting anti-Semitism, and protect Texas communities from the ongoing threat of terrorism.

Resolution Supporting Israel’s Right to Exist, Advocating the Destruction of Hamas, and Mourning the Innocent Who Were Murdered

WHEREAS, both chambers of the Texas Legislature – the House of Representatives and the Senate – overwhelmingly passed resolutions to condemn the terrorist organization Hamas and its brutal, highly organized, and unprecedented attack upon the state of Israel and on her citizens in the early morning hours of October 7, 2023, and to request others to join them in denouncing hatred toward the Jewish people; and

WHEREAS, the foundational belief of Hamas is in the destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of Jews, and in its endeavor to fulfill that mission, Hamas has, for decades, waged war against Israel, which manifested on October 7 in a coordinated land, sea, and air invasion, which resulted in the deaths of at least one thousand innocent civilians, including several United States citizens, the highest number of Jews to ever be killed in a single day since the Shoah, the Holocaust; and

WHEREAS, in addition to the mass murder of Jews, Hamas terrorists kidnapped children, women, elderly, and infirm civilians as hostages, and by timing the operation to coincide with the observance of the final High Holy Days of the Jewish faith, targeted family gatherings, celebrations, and ceremonies of remembrance to maximize civilian casualties and terror; and

WHEREAS, the level of logistical sophistication of the attack and the boastful admission of guilt by the Iranian regime in supporting Hamas indicate the involvement of state sponsors of terror, including Iran, in these atrocities; and 

WHEREAS, Israel has begun her justified response to these attacks, striking military targets within Gaza and preparing for a ground invasion, and by granting ample time and warning for civilians to evacuate, has already demonstrated the commitment to civility and respect for human life that is continually violated by attackers such as Hamas; and 

WHEREAS, an appalling number of politicians, media figures, and activists in the United States have issued statements calling for “ceasefire” or, even worse, have praised the attacks as a demonstration of “decolonization” in action; and

WHEREAS, referring to Israel, Genesis 12:3 states, “I will bless those who bless you, and will curse those who curse you”; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas, drawing inspiration from Psalm 122, prays for peace in Israel and in the Middle East and condemns all enemies of Israel and those dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the West; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas acknowledges that true peace within Israel in the face of the threat posed by Hamas, which will accept nothing less than submission to Islam and is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the West, can only come from Hamas’s unconditional surrender or total elimination; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas rejects one-sided calls for ceasefire or de-escalation, such as those issued by many Democratic members of Congress, the Biden Administration’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the Administration’s Palestinian Affairs Office, and the Texas Democratic Party, and, recognizing the fact that the Jewish people were once subjected to the mass slaughter of half of their population in gas chambers and have in recent days seen over one thousand civilians systematically hunted down and butchered, supports Israel’s right to act decisively and unilaterally, without interference, to protect her citizens from Hamas and any other threats faced by her Jewish population; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon Texas law enforcement to remain vigilant in protecting Israeli Americans, Jews, and all supporters of Israel from acts of crime and violent jihad, in our neighborhoods, streets, public squares, and college campuses in these dangerous times, especially on October 13, 2023, which Hamas announced as “Al-Aqsa Flood Friday”; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas recognizes the threat to the United States posed by our own lack of border security and the presence of tens of millions of illegal aliens in the country, some of whom may be agents for Hamas, Hezbollah, or other Iran-funded terrorist groups – as evidenced by the number of verified members of terrorist watch lists detained at the border – and encourages Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Speaker Dade Phelan, and all members of the Texas Legislature to close and secure our border and deport illegal aliens; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas opposes the resettlement in the United States of any refugees from the Gaza Strip due to these security concerns; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas recognizes that the leftist ideology of “decolonization” is a thin pretext for genocide against Americans, Israelis, and our other Western allies, and calls upon the Boards of Regents of all public university systems in Texas to immediately eliminate extremist and racist “anti-colonial” courses, course content, and programs; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas condemns organizations such as the Democratic Socialists of America, and other entities, officials, and activists who refuse to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist or Israel’s right to defend her people. 

Israeli Jews are being murdered, not for land, or for geopolitical reasons, but simply for being Jews – and this hatred is forcefully condemned by the Republican Party of Texas.

Resolution Supporting Proposition 4

WHEREAS, Texans will vote on fourteen proposals to amend the Texas Constitution in the November 7, 2023 election; and

WHEREAS, the fiscal impact of these proposals totals at least $24.3 billion; and

WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) supports the ultimate elimination of property taxes through Plank #90, the “Axe the Property Tax” plank, of the 2022 RPT Platform; and

WHEREAS, Proposition 4, which would dedicate a portion of the state surplus to increase the ad valorem homestead exemption from $40,000 to $100,000, advances the property tax relief promoted in Plank #91 of the 2022 RPT Platform, which supports dedicating surpluses to buy down school district maintenance and operation property tax; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas supports the passage of Proposition 4 on the November 7, 2023 ballot; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that supporting Proposition 4 shall be a priority for the Republican Party of Texas for the November 7, 2023 election; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas urges Texans to carefully examine all fourteen Propositions and their consequences; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas shall devote appropriate resources to the development and execution of a campaign to inform Texas Republican voters of the importance of this proposition.

Resolution Supporting a “Return to Excellence” in Voting and Elections

WHEREAS, the Republican National Committee (RNC) adopted a “Resolution Urging a ‘Return to Excellence’ in Voting and Elections” during the RNC Summer 2023 Meeting; and

WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas declares our opposition to voting manipulation schemes and seeks to return to the functional and historic balloting and polling experience that Texans understand, appreciate, and accept; and

WHEREAS, ensuring the integrity of our voting and election administration is critical and foundational to maintaining a civil and decent society decentralized from a federal government, as the Founders intended; and

WHEREAS, Texans expect transparent, accurate, and timely determinations pertaining to elections and the administration of elections; and

WHEREAS, elections have been under assault from those on the Left as they attempt to implement schemes and intentionally inject chaotic administrative decisions that have drastically changed how elections are conducted in our most populous counties in Texas; and

WHEREAS, election officials are obliged to ensure equal polling place access and should not eliminate polling places in order to move to countywide voting, which has reduced the number of polling places in more conservative areas; and

WHEREAS, Democrats are attempting to pass non-citizen voting, ranked choice voting, and increased mail-in balloting in Texas, which the Republican Party of Texas has previously resolved to oppose in order to ensure that only United States citizens decide our elections; and

WHEREAS, the grassroots activists of the Republican Party of Texas have discovered and made it abundantly clear that there are recognized problems with electronic voting procedures and that our instituted systems and election processes have been intentionally complicated; and

WHEREAS, credible election experts agree that the most resilient voting systems are those that use paper ballots, either marked by hand or with an assistive device, and allow voters to verify their votes before any means of tabulation; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas opposes any means of voting that do not have proper safeguards in place or that are exclusively electronic, and calls on every county in the state to use ballot procedures that are fully auditable with hand-marked, voter-verifiable paper ballots to ensure that every vote is memorialized by a paper record; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on the Secretary of State to implement anti-counterfeit ballot printing, tracing, and verification procedures; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas supports the rights of counties that are willing and able to competently and efficiently implement voting procedures that do not require the use of machines and also supports those that implement hand counting procedures that are fully auditable to do so; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on the Texas Legislature to pass laws that allow for full and transparent hand-counting procedures that are planned, timely, and fully observable by the public and the registered parties for precinct-level audits and recounts; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on all Republican officeholders to defend the historic practice of geographically localized precinct polling places; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas stands firmly behind voter identification laws and calls on the Texas Legislature to keep and pass laws to ensure that the identity of every voter is verified, regardless of the method by which the citizen votes; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas opposes all efforts to unreasonably expand time periods for early or mail-in voting that make ballot counting procedures intentionally unmanageable or incapable of being completed expeditiously on election day; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls for the elimination of funding by non-governmental organizations, whether directly or indirectly, for all activities related to our elections; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls for the creation and maintenance of precinct polling places so that voting occurs in each legal precinct or geographic unit in order to provide impartial access for all voters; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls for a necessary “return to excellence” – a return to the simple and proven methods of precinct voting with auditable voting procedures using paper ballots, in fair, reasonable, and limited time periods, using proper voter identification to strengthen voter confidence and ensure that election procedures can be a fair and open process for all to participate.

Resolution Thanking the Texas Senate for Acquittal of Attorney General Ken Paxton and Advocating For Reform

WHEREAS, due process and the rule of law are the very foundation of our republic and necessary to the proper functioning of a free society, without which we become nothing more than a banana republic; and

WHEREAS, the Texas Senate voted to acquit Attorney General Ken Paxton on all 16 articles of impeachment that were heard at the Senate trial and voted to dismiss the other four articles of impeachment sent by the House of Representatives; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas is grateful to the Texas Senate for rejecting the politically motivated impeachment of Attorney General Paxton by the Texas House of Representatives that failed to satisfy due process, to comply with applicable Texas law and the Texas and United States Constitutions, and to adhere to precedent; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas agrees with Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick’s call for reform to the impeachment process, especially to require sworn testimony in House impeachment hearings and to end the practice of removal of the impeached officeholder from office until a trial has taken place, and encourages Governor Greg Abbott to call a special session for that purpose, or to add this reform as a charge to an existing special session.

Resolution on Uniform Submissions of County and Senatorial District Convention Reports

WHEREAS, since 2020, the Republican Party of Texas Rule 32(a) has allowed the SREC to specify a standard format and method of submission for the lists, resolutions, and other records from the 2024 County and Senatorial District conventions; and

WHEREAS, accurately processing the large volume of data collected from all the Texas conventions – 266 County and Senatorial Conventions in 2022 – is a monumental task which must be completed by volunteers before State Convention Committees convene; and

WHEREAS, the entry of documents that are not entirely in digital format with selectable text is needlessly time-consuming for staff and volunteers, creates great potential for errors and omissions, and delays both convention planning and the work of the State Convention Committees; and

WHEREAS, implementing a uniform digital format would greatly facilitate and expedite the many days of work required of the limited number of qualified and willing volunteers of the Republican Party of Texas and the State Convention Committees; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to RPT Rule No. 32(a), the SREC authorizes the SREC Special Committee on Convention Planning and RPT staff to specify a standard format and method of submission for all reports and exhibits originating from the 2024 County and Senatorial District conventions; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the SREC requests that RPT staff work with the County and Senatorial District Temporary and Permanent Convention Chairs to require them to submit their reports using the specified format within the required deadlines; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the SREC commits to work with RPT staff to help educate County and Senatorial District Convention Chairs about the specified formats, and offer to assist the Convention Chairs with compliance, if necessary; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that documents explaining the resulting approved formats and methods be distributed to all Republican County Chairs and SREC members in Texas.

Resolution Calling for Action in Colony Ridge

WHEREAS, the development of Colony Ridge near Plum Grove in Liberty County, Texas has grown to an estimated 50,000 to 75,000 inhabitants and spans over 60 square miles; and

WHEREAS, plots of land in this neighborhood are advertised in Spanish through international communication channels, and the developer allows for illegal aliens to obtain loans to purchase land using Individual Tax ID Numbers (ITINs) instead of Social Security Numbers; and

WHEREAS, according to an investigation by the Daily Wire, law enforcement presence is thin in this area, attracting not only illegal aliens who wish to evade immigration authorities, but also significant cartel and drug activity, including the Gulf and Sinaloa cartels which are reported to have purchased land in the early stages of the development in order to set up safe houses in the area; and

WHEREAS, despite the challenges posed to the community by illegal alien settlements and the cartel activity that follows them, the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office does not check immigration status in routine stops because, according to the office, it “would take forever”; and

WHEREAS, Cleveland ISD is required to educate illegal alien students who arrive in the district, and this has resulted in an unmanageable amount of growth for the district, causing enrollment to increase from 6,584 students to 12,400 over the course of four years; and

WHEREAS, Cleveland ISD has had to build several new schools and is reported to be hiring H-1B visa holders due to the number of foreign language teachers needed to keep pace with enrollment; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas asks for legislation to be added to the upcoming special session call, or to a subsequent special session, to prevent further settlement of illegal aliens in Colony Ridge and any other areas of Texas; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas recognizes and supports the efforts of Congressman Brian Babin, who represents Liberty County, for his role in drawing attention to this crisis; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on Attorney General Ken Paxton to initiate a full investigation into the development activities of Colony Ridge Land, LLC, and its possible connections to elected officials in the region.

Resolution Commending Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson for Joining the Republican Party

WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas has for generations proudly stood for economic opportunity, personal responsibility, individual property rights, self-defense rights, and traditional values and principles; and

WHEREAS, Dallas Mayor Eric Lynn Johnson has notably advocated for property tax cuts so that Texas families can keep more of their hard-earned income; and

WHEREAS, Mayor Johnson, in order to protect Texans, has pushed back on foolishly dangerous efforts to defund the police; and

WHEREAS, Mayor Johnson has announced his affiliation with the Republican Party and with its values and principles; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas commends Dallas Mayor Eric Lynn Johnson for his wisdom and courage in publicly declaring his new home in the Republican Party, and extends a welcome to him; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas welcomes and encourages ALL people of any background who share our values and principles to come home to the Republican Party.

Resolution Asking Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign as Speaker or For the House to Vacate the Chair

WHEREAS, Texas House Speaker Matthew McDade “Dade” Phelan voted for the impeachment of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr., and through his leadership team pressured other House members to vote for the impeachment as well, and Speaker Phelan continues to defend this action despite the weaknesses of the case, which were demonstrated in the Senate trial that resulted in Attorney General Paxton’s acquittal; and

WHEREAS, Speaker Dade Phelan appointed nine Democrats to chair important legislative committees, in direct defiance of the wishes of Republican voters and the Legislative Priorities of the Republican Party of Texas; and

WHEREAS, Speaker Dade Phelan ignored or actively undermined several GOP priorities during the regular session and failed to advance salient legislation to secure our borders and our elections; and

WHEREAS, new leadership is needed in the Texas House of Representatives for the upcoming special session, and potential subsequent special sessions, to ensure that conservative priorities are achieved and that members are no longer pressured to act and vote contrary to the Platform, Principles, and Priorities of the Party they represent and of its voters; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on Speaker Dade Phelan to step down from his leadership role as Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives and to allow a new Speaker to be elected after a caucus vote held in accordance with the Republican Party of Texas Platform; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should Speaker Dade Phelan fail to step down from the Speaker chair for this upcoming special session, the Republican Representatives should vote to vacate the chair and allow for a new Speaker – one who has pledged to honor and support the Priorities and Principles of the Republican Party – to be elected.

Resolution Condemning the Impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton

WHEREAS, Texas Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. was impeached by the Texas House of Representatives on May 27, 2023, after a report was issued by the House Committee on General Investigating (GIC), which contained 20 articles of impeachment.  The GIC submission, which consisted solely of a transcript of the GIC hearing, was considered by the House for approximately 48 hours before the impeachment vote was called and taken; and

WHEREAS, no testimony was taken in the House, and Attorney General Paxton was not allowed to speak to the House or to offer any rebuttal evidence or testimony despite his offer to do so, which was refused; and

WHEREAS, the impeachment occurred under illegal circumstances, for example:

  1. The GIC admitted that none of the witnesses who provided information to that committee were placed under oath before giving their statements as required by Texas Government Code §301.022;
  2. The GIC included in its consideration and in the Articles of Impeachment at least six articles based on events alleged to have taken place before January 1, 2023, the first day of Attorney General Paxton’s current term.  Such events may not serve to support impeachment per Texas Government Code §665.081 and nearly one hundred years of  Supreme Court precedent beginning with Reeves v. State, 267 S.W. 666 (Tex. 1924);
  3. Neither the GIC nor the House of Representatives allowed Attorney General Paxton the opportunity to present evidence in his defense or to cross-examine witnesses, which is contrary to the spirit of the U.S. Constitution Amendments V and VI and to the precedent established by the Texas House of Representatives in the 1975-76 Carrillo impeachment proceeding; and

WHEREAS, due process and the rule of law are the very foundation of our republic and necessary to the proper functioning of a free society, without which we become nothing more than a banana republic; and

WHEREAS, it is the sincere desire of the Republican Party of Texas that the State of Texas not become a banana republic; and

WHEREAS, the articles of impeachment are unsupported by competent and admissible evidence and are an affront to the presumption of innocence; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas CONDEMNS the politically motivated impeachment of Attorney General Paxton by the Texas House of Representatives and hereby IMPLORES Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and members of the Texas Senate to uphold Constitutionally guaranteed due process, fairness, precedent, and the rule of law by rendering judgment as a matter of law in the Texas Senate on the grounds that the House of Representatives failed to satisfy due process, to comply with applicable Texas law, and to adhere to precedent; that the articles of impeachment be dismissed with prejudice; and that Ken Paxton be allowed to promptly resume his duties as the duly elected Attorney General.

Resolution to Oppose Ranked Choice (Preferential) Voting

WHEREAS, America has operated on a well understood and relatively uniform election system that has been implemented over two hundred years to support our Constitutional Republic; and

WHEREAS, the political parties in America have created the world’s largest representative forums for debate among thousands of factions of American citizens all across the nation; and

WHEREAS, traditional American primary and general elections ensure that voters who support one candidate, not a plurality of candidates, are heard clearly, while ranked choice voting schemes open elections to “ballot exhaustion” or the disenfranchisement of voters who choose not to support multiple candidates who do not clearly represent their values; and

WHEREAS, the grassroots activists of the Republican Party of Texas have made it abundantly clear that we need to keep voting simple and secure; and

WHEREAS, educating voters on the confusing processes that vary by state has cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars for educational efforts that have provided ineffective results; and

WHEREAS, states and communities where ranked choice voting has been tested have seen decreased voter participation, and in many cases, elections have resulted in more discarded votes than counted votes; and

WHEREAS, ranked choice voting often results in additional tabulation delays leading to days or weeks of additional counting while depending exclusively on technology without traceable ballots to support determined winners; and

WHEREAS, supporters of ranked choice voting seek to eliminate or disempower party primaries; and

WHEREAS, the Republican National Committee (RNC) unanimously adopted a similar resolution calling for opposition to ranked choice voting at the RNC 2023 Winter Meeting; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas rejects ranked choice voting and similar schemes that increase election distrust, voter suppression, and disenfranchisement, that eliminate the historical political party system, and that depend on costly and confusing technology implemented by unelected bureaucrats; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Republican Party of Texas calls on the State Legislature and voters to oppose ranked choice or preferential voting in every locality and level of government and to return elections to easier systems that have worked for centuries for fair and transparent elections; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Republican Party of Texas supports efforts to ban such voting methods through support of SB 921 authored by Senator Bryan Hughes.

Resolution to Terminate Membership in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC)

WHEREAS, the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a 501(c)(3) organization which has 30 states and the District of Columbia as member states, has stated that its “sole mission [is] assisting states to improve the accuracy of America’s voter rolls and increase access to voter registration for all eligible citizens,” and yet reports only three employees and has no physical location; and

WHEREAS, ERIC receives Personally Identifiable Information of citizens and minors regardless of voting status from those states’ departments of motor vehicles; and

WHEREAS, the ERIC membership agreement requires that every sixty (60) days, each member state shall transmit all inactive and active voter files and all licensing or identification records contained in the motor vehicles database, including:

• all name fields
• all address fields
• driver’s license or state ID number
• last four digits of Social Security number
• date of birth
• activity dates as defined by the Board of Directors
• current record status
• affirmative documentation of citizenship
• the title/type of affirmative documentation of citizenship presented
• phone number
• e-mail address or other electronic contact method; and

WHEREAS, ERIC states in its membership agreement that “under no circumstances shall the member transmit an individual’s record where the record contains documentation or other information indicating that the individual is a non-citizen of the United States” yet, without that information ERIC is unable to perform a portion of the services for which it is contracted; and

WHEREAS, ERIC has violated the security of Texas registrants’ data by transmitting state data to third parties, such as the Center for Election Innovation and Research, whose data practices and usage are unknown to Texas and its citizens, and ERIC prohibits states from auditing its own work or that of any third-party vendor; and

WHEREAS, ERIC provides data regarding eligible or possibly eligible citizens who are not registered to vote, stating that, “the Member shall, at a minimum, initiate contact with each and every eligible or possibly eligible citizen and inform them how to register to vote. Each Member shall have until October 1 or fifteen (15) days before the close of registration, whichever is earlier, of the next Federal General Election year to initiate contact with at least 95% of the eligible or potentially eligible citizens on whom data was provided and address validation was performed”; and

WHEREAS, ERIC gives little focus to removing or identifying ineligible voters as required by Texas Election Code Section 18.062 Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program; and

WHEREAS, during the 2019 session, the 86th Texas Legislature appropriated $1.5 million taxpayer dollars, most of which is used to contact potential voters for Texas to join ERIC; and

WHEREAS, Under Texas law, county registrars must get interstate and intrastate move address changes from the USPS at least monthly (Texas Election Code Section 15.002), and intrastate moves are automatically updated whenever driver’s license data is updated (Texas Election Code Section 20.062); and

WHEREAS, the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Platform Plank 242(p) states “We support withdrawing from Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC)”; and

WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas supports the stated intent and both legal and legislative efforts, including, but not limited to, SB 399 submitted by Sen. Bob Hall, SB 1070 submitted by Senator Bryan Hughes, and HB 2809 by Representative Jacey Jetton to remove Texas from the ERIC program; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls for the Texas Legislators to pass legislation that would allow for the prompt removal of Texas from the ERIC program and implement an auditable service reconcilable to Texas counties; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on the Texas Legislators to protect Texans personally identifiable information from being disseminated to organizations outside of the state government including public or private companies, NGOs, and non-profit organizations; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas supports the Texas Secretary of State, the Texas Attorney General and the Texas Legislators in all efforts to remove Texas from the ERIC program.

Resolution Asking School Boards to Disassociate from TASB

WHEREAS, the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) provided guidance to Texas school boards encouraging harmful gender ideology in schools1 ; and

WHEREAS, Plank 106 of the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Platform reads:

106. Inappropriate and/or Harmful Content: We support passage of a law more comprehensive than the Florida law that prohibits instruction in sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools. We advocate for those who violate any of the above to have their educator’s certification revoked and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law where appropriate; and

WHEREAS, TASB guidance would allow educators to withhold information about children from their parents, a recommendation which is specifically opposed by the Republican Party of Texas Platform in Plank 109:

109. Education Transparency: We support requiring Texas public schools to be fully transparent with parents regarding everything to which their child is or will be exposed, without exception; and

WHEREAS, TASB guidance encourages districts to adopt policies that would allow males to enter female spaces, such as restrooms and locker rooms; and

WHEREAS, TASB guidance encourages districts to adopt policies that would allow males to join female sports teams, a recommendation which is specifically opposed by the Republican Party of Texas Platform in Plank 125:

125. Gender Identity in Schools: We hold that biological men shall compete only against other biological men and biological women shall compete only against other biological women in athletics in the public school system of Texas and at the collegiate level; and

WHEREAS, TASB receives taxpayer funds from school districts and lobbies in Austin against the wishes of taxpayers; and

WHEREAS, Plank 123 of the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Platform states:

123. Withdraw from Taxpayer-Funded Lobby Groups Like TASB: Local independent school districts should sever all ties with taxpayer funded lobby groups including the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA), and the Texas Association of Community Schools (TACS). Required training now provided by groups like the above-named organizations would instead be under the auspices of the State Board of Education, with funds appropriated for that purpose; and

WHEREAS, the following bills are representative of the intent of the SREC:

  • HB 2501 authored by Representative Richard Hayes, which prohibits associations that adopt critical race theory principles as part of their mission statements or organizing principles from offering training or contracts for insurance to school districts
  • SB 175, authored by Senator Mayes Middleton, which prohibits the use of taxpayer funds for lobbying activities
  • SB 425, authored by Senator Angela Paxton, which prohibits the payment of dues to organizations that lobby for school boards; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas urges all Local Independent School Districts to sever all ties from Texas Association of School Boards (TASB); and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas urges the Texas Legislature to ban taxpayer-funded lobbying; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas urges the Texas Legislature to assist school districts in obtaining liability insurance from entities other than TASB.


Republican Party of Texas Resolution on Fossil Fuels

WHEREAS, our Federal government has declared a war on fossil fuels, which is a war on the citizens and economy of Texas; and

WHEREAS, our Federal government chooses winners and losers in electrical generation and favors the production of electric vehicles (EVs) by subsidizing these industries and by creating an economic disadvantage for natural gas, clean coal, and nuclear power plants, as well as for gasoline and natural gas powered vehicles; and

WHEREAS, in fiscal year 2022, Texas’ oil and natural gas industry paid a record $24.7 billion in taxes and state royalties, shattering a previous high in 2019 by 54%1; and

WHEREAS, these taxes and royalties go to Texas’ public schools, universities, roads, first responders and other essential services1; and

WHEREAS, in fiscal year 2022, the industry employed more than 442,000 Texans, and every direct job in the Texas oil and natural gas industry indirectly creates an additional 2.2 jobs in the Texas economy2; and

WHEREAS, the State of Texas is heavily invested in the petrochemical industry, which is fully dependent on crude oil refining; and

WHEREAS, solar and wind energy are not always reliable and can cause disruptions in the electrical grid, as seen in the historical freeze of 2021; and

WHEREAS, wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, and electric storage batteries for EVs and electric power generation cannot be recycled and must be disposed of in landfills or hazardous material sites; and

WHEREAS, an agency of the federal government is considering banning natural gas stoves and installation of natural gas piping in new construction; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls upon the Texas Legislature, Governor Greg Abbott, and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick:

  1. To eliminate subsidies or rebates for solar, wind, EVs, grid electric storage batteries, and EV charging stations or to require equal subsidies or rebates from the Federal government to be paid to natural gas, clean coal, and nuclear plants and to crude oil refineries; and
  2. To require manufacturers of wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, and batteries for EV and electric grid storage to recycle these components by 2030, or to legally dispose of these components outside the State of Texas; and
  3. To require manufacturers of wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, and EVs that receive Federal subsidies or rebates to invest an equal amount in return to the electrical grid and to natural gas peak-power generation plants in Texas; and
  4. To require manufacturers of wind turbines to implement an effective system to prevent collisions with migratory birds by 2030; and
  5. To give a sales tax exemption for the purchase of natural gas stoves and all natural gas appliances.
  1. Data from Texas Oil and Gas Association (
  2. Data from Texas Oil and Gas Association (

Resolution Opposing Casino Gambling in Texas

WHEREAS, Texas Republican legislators have introduced legislation that seeks to change our Texas Constitution to allow for casino gambling in Texas; and

WHEREAS, the gambling bills now mask the negative connotations of casino gambling by referring to casinos euphemistically as “destination resorts”1 with “fabulous hotels, restaurants, showrooms, and retail” to attract families2; and

WHEREAS, the usual arguments for opening the state to gambling continue to be, “this will create jobs” and “create revenue” to fund schools and provide tax relief; and

WHEREAS, these reasons fail to overcome the substantial economic and social costs to individuals, families, and communities, including mental health costs, crime costs, business and employment costs, family breakdown, bankruptcy, suicide, and direct regulatory costs; and

WHEREAS, the State of Texas has a $33 billion budget surplus; and

WHEREAS, the proposed legislation to establish the gambling industry in Texas would violate the free market principles of the Republican Party of Texas by awarding a limited number of licenses to resort casinos who have lobbied and generously contributed to the campaigns of Texas legislators while instituting a politically protected industry; and

WHEREAS, once the gambling industry is allowed to operate legally in the state, its lobbying power will grow and its influence over legislators and local community officials will increase; and

WHEREAS, Plank 79 of the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Platform states that “We oppose any expansion of gambling, including legalized casino gambling. We oppose and call for a veto of any budget that relies on expansion of legalized gambling as a method of finance”; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on all Republican Texas Legislators to cease and desist with any efforts to open the State of Texas to casino gambling; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be distributed to each Republican member of the Texas Legislature, to the Governor, and to the Lieutenant Governor.


Resolution Calling on City Council Candidates to Support Ending Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying

WHEREAS, voters in cities across Texas will elect mayors, city councilmembers, and city commissioners on uniform election dates; and

WHEREAS, though elections are nonpartisan, many candidates running for these positions identify themselves as Republicans; and

WHEREAS, the offices these candidates are running for control the budgets and legislative agendas for their municipal governmental entities; and

WHEREAS, county Republican parties across Texas and the Republican Party of Texas have taken a more proactive role in recent years in getting conservative Republicans elected to local offices; and

WHEREAS, ending taxpayer-funded lobbying was one of the 15 Legislative Priorities put forward to delegates at the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Convention in Houston; and

WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Texas Platform calls for an end to taxpayer-funded lobbying in Plank 232:

232. Tax-Funded Lobbying: We oppose using tax dollars to hire lobbyists or paying tax
dollars to associations that lobby the Legislature; and

WHEREAS, last year, taxpayer-funded entities in Texas spent upwards of $145 million on lobbying fees and services, according to Transparency USA; and

WHEREAS, Republican Senator Mayes Middleton has introduced legislation to ban taxpayer-funded lobbying; and

WHEREAS, fiscal conservatism is a core pillar of the Republican Party, and banning taxpayer-funded lobbying is undoubtedly the fiscally conservative position on this issue; and

WHEREAS, while some candidates might prefer to avoid discussing this issue, local taxpayers deserve to know whether their candidates support spending their money on the salaries of lobbyists, in contradiction to the state party platform; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee calls on all candidates running for municipal offices to take a strong public stance in support of banning taxpayer-funded lobbying, and to pledge to vote against using tax dollars to fund lobbying fees and services in their own cities if elected.

Resolution to Endorse Legislation to End Vaccine Mandates in Texas

WHEREAS, COVID-19 era injustice must be remedied; and

WHEREAS, Texas should reassert her state’s rights against the Federal government; and

WHEREAS, the Texas Constitution should be amended to protect Texans against vaccine tyranny; and

WHEREAS, the following bills are representative of the intent of the SREC:

• HB 81 (Brian Harrison) / SB 177 (Mayes Middleton)

• SB 1024 (Lois Kolkhorst), SB 1025 (Lois Kolkhorst), and SB 1026 (Lois Kolkhorst)

• HJR 114 (Steve Toth); now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas supports legislation with the intent to achieve these goals in the 88th session of the Texas Legislature.

Resolution Supporting Educational Freedom

WHEREAS, the seventh Principle of the Republican Party of Texas, as adopted at the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Convention, is “having an educated population, with parents having the freedom of choice for the education of their children”; and

WHEREAS, in the 2022 Republican Party Primary, 88% of Republican voters agreed that “Texas parents and guardians should have the right to select schools, whether public or private, for their children, and the funding should follow the student”; and

WHEREAS, 32 states and Washington D.C. have already adopted some form of school choice1; and,

WHEREAS, Arizona, Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee have long-standing Educational Savings Account (ESA) programs, which allow some families to apply a designated amount of each student’s school funding to private school tuition or homeschooling expenses; and

WHEREAS, since 2021, Indiana, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Utah, and West Virginia have adopted ESA programs under the leadership of their Republican Governors and Legislatures; and

WHEREAS, at an event hosted by the Parent Empowerment Coalition at Annapolis Christian Academy, Texas Governor Greg Abbott stated his unequivocal support for universal ESAs in Texas. In his remarks, Governor Abbott said:

“Parents should not be helpless; they should be able to choose the education option that is best for their child. The way to do that is with ESAs – Education Savings Accounts. We’ve seen them work in other states and we’ve seen them work in the State of Texas also”; and

WHEREAS, in his 2023 inaugural remarks, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick stated that “the Governor and I are all in on school choice,” and that “we are going to pass school choice and I hope, finally, that this is the session that we join over 30 other states in giving parental rights to parents to choose the school of their choice”; and

WHEREAS, Lieutenant Governor Patrick designated SB 8 priority legislation pertaining to “Empowering Parental Rights – Including School Choice”; and

WHEREAS, Speaker Dade Phelan has implied, through his appointments of a chairman and committee members to the House Public Education Committee who support or are open to school choice, that school choice proposals will receive good faith consideration in that Committee and in the Texas House of Representatives; and

WHEREAS, the Parents’ Rights planks of the Republican Party of Texas Platform state:

101. School Choice: Texas families shall be empowered to choose from public, private, charter, or homeschool options for their children’s education, and the funding shall follow the student without strings attached. We also support tax credits and exemptions for education and choice within the public school system.

102. No Regulation of Homeschooling or Private School Curriculum: We oppose any attempt to regulate homeschooling or the curriculum of private or religious schools.

103. Parents’ Rights in Education: Parents are the primary educators and disciplinarians of their children, to which all other entities are inferior. The fundamental rights of parents to make decisions regarding the upbringing and control of their children in all aspects, but especially in all aspects of the Texas education system, shall be recognized, affirmed, and protected by changes to the Texas Constitution and Texas Law, including codifying the protections currently existing in the Texas Family and Education Codes. No public service entity nor its agents, district personnel, community partners, or District Board of Trustees shall infringe upon these rights; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee supports Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick designating school choice a priority and urges the Texas House and Texas Senate to pass legislation that provides for universal school choice without carve-outs and contains strong protections from government regulation for private schools and homeschools; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee is encouraged to see unprecedented support for school choice coming from our leaders, and applauds the courage shown by Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and the Senators and Representatives who have declared their support for the cause of educational freedom; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, by working together, the leaders, activists, and voters of the Republican Party of Texas are committed to accomplishing the monumental task of joining the other states who have passed school choice and bringing true educational freedom to over six million Texas children.


Resolution Censuring Congressman Tony Gonzales by the Republican Party of Texas

WHEREAS, Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas states that “a County or Senatorial District Convention or a County or District Executive Committee may, after notice and invitation to the officeholder to appear and be provided time to speak before a County or Senatorial Convention or a County or District Executive Committee, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting, but in no case by less than a majority of the County Executive Committee (CEC) in full, adopt a resolution censuring a Republican public officeholder representing all or a portion of that County or District for three (3) or more actions taken during the current biennium in opposition to the core principles of the Republican Party of Texas as defined in the Preamble of the Party Platform as described in Rule No. 43A or to the Legislative Priorities adopted at the most recent State Convention as described in Rule 34(c)”; and

WHEREAS, within Texas Congressional District 23, the Brewster, Crane, Dimmit, Kinney, Jeff Davis, Maverick, Pecos, Reagan, Schleicher, Terrell, Upton, Uvalde, and Val Verde County Republican Parties – and outside Texas Congressional District 23, the Irion, Real and Wichita County Republican Parties – have all passed resolutions supporting the censure of Congressman Tony Gonzales, and Bexar County precinct chairs supported censure by a 58-42% vote; and

WHEREAS, The Medina County Republican Party, at its February 2023 Executive Committee meeting, passed a “Resolution of Censure of United States Congressman Tony Gonzales” which identified, among other grievances, the following five actions taken during the current biennium (which began on June 18, 2022, when the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Convention adjourned sine die having adopted its rules) in violation of the Principles of the Republican Party of Texas:

  1. Congressman Tony Gonzales voted (House Roll Call #373 at 7-19-2022 5:53 pm) with the Democratic Majority in favor of the “Respect for Marriage” Act (H.R. 8404, co-sponsored by 189 Democrats and no Republicans).  The measure called for the repeal of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, a bill that recognized marriage as exclusively between one man and one woman.  The Respect for Marriage Act would establish federal protections for gay marriage and require that same-sex marriage be viewed as valid and legal in all governmental proceedings.  Congressman Tony Gonzales was the only Texas Republican to vote in favor of supporting gay marriage. This action violated the RPT’s sixth core principle, namely, preserving “self-sufficient families, founded on the traditional marriage of a natural man and a natural woman.”
  2. Congressman Tony Gonzales voted a second time (House Roll Call #513 at 12-8-23 11:11 am) with the Democratic Majority in favor of the “Respect for Marriage” Act (H.R. 8404, co-sponsored by 189 Democrats and no Republicans). Congressman Tony Gonzales was once again the only Texas Republican to vote in favor of supporting gay marriage. This action violated the RPT’s sixth core principle, namely, preserving “self-sufficient families, founded on the traditional marriage of a natural man and a natural woman.”
  3. Congressman Tony Gonzales voted Nay on H.R. 5 (House Roll Call #23 at 1-9-2023 7:05 pm):  “Adopting the Rules of the House of Representative for the one hundred eighteenth Congress and for other purposes.” Congress Tony Gonzales was the only Republican in the United States to vote with the Democrats against the rules package presented by Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his leadership team, thereby endangering the hard-won Republican majority control of Congress and the victories earned by conservative Congressmen, including his colleagues from Texas, through both cooperation and negotiation with the incoming leadership team. The vote cast against the new Rules violated the RPT’s third, fourth, fifth and ninth core principles:

(Principle 3) “Preserving individual, Texan, and American sovereignty and freedom.” The Rules provide for a vote on a resolution to establish a “Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government,” an urgent priority in the wake of efforts by the federal agencies to undermine and conduct baseless investigations against the Trump administration;

(Principle 4) “Limiting government power to those items enumerated in the United States and Texas Constitutions.” The Rules require all bills to include a statement citing the Constitutional authority given to Congress to enact such a bill, ensuring that all laws passed by the House of Representatives are limited to the specific powers granted to Congress by the Constitution. Additionally, a new inclusion to the Rules requires single-subject statements to prevent riders that are unrelated to the overall purpose of each bill;

(Principle 5) “Personal accountability and responsibility.” The Rules restore the ability for Members to hold leadership accountable by allowing for a single member to make a motion to vacate the chair. This motion was in place prior to Nancy Pelosi’s Speakership in 2019, when she eliminated it. Additionally, the Rules repeal a resolution passed by the previous Democratic majority that granted staffers in the House of Representatives the ability to unionize, which would endanger the accountability of Congressional staff to the elected Representatives for whom they serve;

(Principle 9) “A free enterprise society unencumbered by government interference or subsidies.” The Rules established a “cut-as-you-go” budgetary process that required budgetary offsets to increases in mandatory spending, replacing a “pay-as-you-go” rule that allowed for spending increases to be offset by tax increases. The Rules also require the Congressional Budget Office to incorporate known macroeconomic effects of major legislation, such as changes in employment and inflation, to official cost estimates. The Rules eliminated the provision allowing for automatic increases to the debt ceiling, leaving in place that important tool for accountability and control of ever-increasing government debt; and

  1. Congressman Tony Gonzales has failed to support H.R. 29 (filed 1-9-2023) Border Safety and Security Act of 2023: “To authorize the Secretary of homeland Security to suspend the entry of aliens, and for other purposes,” sponsored by Texas Representative Chip Roy and co-sponsored by 49 other Republicans.  Congressman Tony Gonzales’s district encompasses 843 miles of Texas border, the largest of any other district, yet he is the only Texas Republican not supporting this bill. Congressman Tony Gonzales has gone on the record opposing this legislation, in opposition to the Republican Party of Texas #2 Legislative Priority, which is to “secure the border and protect Texans.” While opposing this legislation, Congressman Gonzales has falsely stated that the legislation would ban “all asylum, to include legitimate asylum,” and has repeated the Democratic canard that supporters of border security are “anti-immigrant.”
  2. On June 24, 2022, Congressman Gonzales voted in favor of S. 2938, the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act,” which subsidizes red flag laws, imposes additional restrictions on otherwise legal owners of firearms, and expands background checks. This bill, which violates our Second Amendment rights, was signed into law by President Biden on June 25, 2022. Congressman Gonzales’s votes in favor of this law violate Principle 1, “…and we support the strict adherence to the original language and intent of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitutions of the United States and of Texas,” and Principle 8, “the inalienable right of all people to defend themselves and their property”; and

WHEREAS, The Medina County Republican Party described its efforts to contact Congressman Gonzales to offer the opportunity to speak to these issues as follows:

“Contact with Congressman Tony Gonzales to meet with our CEC to answer questions on votes against the Republican Party of Texas Principles, Legislative Priorities and House Republican majority has gone unanswered. We contacted his San Antonio office on 12-15-22, 1-6-23 and 1-24-23, his Del Rio office on 1-6-23 who directed us to send an email to Jalen Falcon at and contacted his Washington office on 1-6-2023, 1-18-2023 and 1-24-2023 with no return email or phone call. On January 13, 2023 Medina County Republican Party sent 3 certified letters with one delivered to Washington Office, Del Rio Office and San Antonio Office which have been signed and delivery receipt returned requesting him to schedule a meeting at his convenience to answer questions from our Executive Board. All communications have gone unanswered”; and

WHEREAS, The Medina County Republican Party Executive Committee passed the resolution of censure of Congressman Tony Gonzales by both a 2/3 majority of those present and voting and a 50% majority of all precinct chairs, even those not in attendance; and

WHEREAS, the term of office for Congressman Tony Gonzales expires after the 2024 Primary and General Elections, and he would be eligible to run for re-election to his Congressional seat in the 2024 elections and also eligible to run for any other partisan office in the 2024 elections; and

WHEREAS, in discussing resolutions of censure passed by a County Executive Committee, Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas states that “such a resolution may include a request, to the SREC or any State Convention held prior to start of the filing period of a Republican Primary Election while these rules are in effect, that the named officeholder be penalized. If such a request is included, after not less than fourteen (14) days’ notice and opportunity to the officeholder to appear and be provided time to speak before the SREC or the State Convention in conformity with the request, the delegates of the State Convention by majority vote in the case of (1) below, or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote in the case of (2) below, or the State Republican Executive Committee by a three-fifths (3/5) vote of the full membership, may vote to concur with the resolution of censure and impose one or both of the following penalties:

  1. Declare that no Rule or Bylaw enacted by any division of the Party at any level that demands the Party be neutral in intraparty contests shall be observed with respect to the named officeholder, and no financial or other support shall be provided to their campaign by the Party except that which is required by law. If the officeholder files an application to run for any public office in the Republican Party primary following the censure resolution’s passage, the SREC shall be authorized to spend up to twelve percent (12%) of the Party’s general fund on voter education in the officeholder’s district, by republishing the original censure resolution verbatim, using a media format determined by the SREC.
  2. Declare that the named officeholder is discouraged from participating in the Republican Party Primary following the censure passage.

Any above penalty imposed shall expire on the day following the date of the Primary runoff in which the officeholder would be up for re-election”; and

WHEREAS, in its resolution of censure, the Medina County Republican Party requested that the SREC “concur in this resolution of censure” and that the SREC “impose on Congressman Tony Gonzales, the full set of penalties provided in Rule 44 of the Rules of the Republican Party of Texas”; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee concurs with the violations of Republican Party of Texas Principles and Legislative Priorities stated in the resolutions of censure passed by the Medina County Republican Party; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas imposes both penalties identified in Rule 44 on Congressman Tony Gonzales as follows:

  1. No Rule or Bylaw enacted by any division of the Party at any level that demands the Party be neutral in intraparty contests shall be observed with respect to Congressman Tony Gonzales, and no financial or other support shall be provided to his campaign by the Party except that which is required by law. If Congressman Gonzales files an application to run for any public office in the 2024 Republican Party Primary, the SREC shall be authorized to spend up to twelve percent (12%) of the Party’s general fund on voter education in the state of Texas, by republishing this censure resolution verbatim, using a media format determined by the SREC.
  2. Congressman Tony Gonzales is discouraged from participating in the 2024 Republican Party Primary; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing in this Resolution shall be construed to prohibit the use of Party resources to encourage voting for Republican Party nominees or officeholders collectively, so long as Congressman Tony Gonzales is not identified by name.

Resolution Urging Support for the “Keep Nine Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution

WHEREAS, the United States Constitution provides no specific instructions for the number of justices that constitutes the Supreme Court of the United States; and

WHEREAS, for over 150 years the Supreme Court has consisted of nine justices; and

WHEREAS, during the nation’s history, Congress has changed the number of justices, both increasing and decreasing it seven times prior to 1869 for the purpose of gaining political advantage for a then-current political position; and

WHEREAS, the practice of “packing the court” for political advantage greatly decreases public confidence that the Supreme Court exists as an essential element of America’s system of checks and balances that guarantees and protects a citizen’s Constitutional rights; and

WHEREAS, in order to prevent all attempts by the Legislative and Executive branches of the federal government to change the number of Supreme Court justices, the “Keep Nine Amendment” to the United States Constitution has been proposed which simply states “the Supreme Court of the United States shall be composed of nine justices”; and

WHEREAS, the “Keep Nine Amendment” was introduced as Senate Joint Resolution 76 in the United States Senate on October 19, 2020 by Senator Ted Cruz (TX) and is now sponsored or supported by numerous United States Senators including Senators John Boozman (AR), Bill Cassidy (LA), Tom Cotton (AR), Steve Daines (MT), Joni Ernst (IA), Chuck Grassley (IA), Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS), Mike Lee (UT), David Perdue (GA), Rob Portman (OH), Thom Tillis (NC), and Roger Wicker (MS); and

WHEREAS, the “Keep Nine Amendment” was introduced as House Joint Resolution 95 in the House of Representatives on September 24, 2020 with bipartisan sponsorship by then-representatives Collin Peterson (D-MN) and Denver Riggleman (R-VA), with co-sponsors Mo Brooks (R-AL), Michael San Nicolas (D-GU), Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), and Ken Buck (R-CO); and

WHEREAS, a recent poll showed that voters support a “Keep Nine Amendment” by more than a three-to-one margin; and

WHEREAS, Democrats have refused to remove packing of the Supreme Court from consideration, and the Biden White House formed the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States, with “court expansionists” serving as its leaders; and

WHEREAS, since in 2020, Democrats were successful in gaining control of the Senate, House of Representatives, and the White House, the introduction of the “Keep Nine Amendment” and its popularity among Americans should serve as a check to this self-serving chicanery; and

WHEREAS, the above information previously has been vetted by the Legal Department of the Republican National Committee (“RNC”), approved by the Trump White House, and unanimously adopted as a resolution by the RNC General Assembly (168 members) for an official position; and

WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of the resolution by the RNC, the “Keep Nine Amendment” was reintroduced as Senate Joint Resolution 9 in the United States Senate on February 25, 2021 by Senator Ted Cruz (TX) and now has 20 Republican co-sponsors and re-introduced as House Joint Resolution 11 in the United States House of Representatives on January 4, 2021 by Representative Rusty Johnson (R-SD) and now has 178 Republican co-sponsors; and

WHEREAS, the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Platform in Plank 19(b) states that we “oppose ‘packing’ (or enlarging) the United States Supreme Court and support the pending ‘Keep Nine Amendment’ as filed in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives with bipartisan support”; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas supports the pending “Keep Nine Amendment” as filed in the United States Senate and House of Representatives with wide and increasing Republican support.

Resolution Reaffirming Life in the Womb Even in Sexual Assault Cases

WHEREAS, there is no physical difference between a preborn child conceived through sexual assault and a preborn child in any other woman’s womb, as all preborn babies have toes and fingers and hearts that beat just 21 days after conception; and

WHEREAS, if you are okay with abortion when certain circumstances are different, then you do not truly believe that all human life is valuable and that preborn children have a right to life simply by virtue of being human; and

WHEREAS, abortion does not take away nor negate the horrific trauma of sexual assault, and instead, abortion commits a second act of violence on an innocent third party; and

WHEREAS, mental health concerns amongst post-abortive women in our country are abundant, and by sanctioning abortion in circumstances of sexual assault, you are heaping a second dose of long-term psychological effects on women; and

WHEREAS, Republican Senator Robert Nichols was among the first Texas legislators to publicly voice support for pro-abortion legislation in the upcoming legislative session; and

WHEREAS, other elected Republicans may begin to retreat from a pro-life stance and give in to liberal pressure; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Republican Executive Committee calls on all elected Republicans in the Texas Legislature, including Robert Nichols, to remain strongly pro-life and not to succumb to the pressure of pro-abortionist groups; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we call on all elected Republican legislators not to retreat from the pro-life issue at the very time the United States Supreme Court has given them a pro-life victory, a victory that has been fought for by Texas pro-life Republicans for over 50 years.

Resolution to Defend Medical Freedom and Codify Informed Consent

WHEREAS, Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order prohibiting vaccine and mask mandates will expire, and he has called for “legislation this session to ban ANY COVID vaccine mandate in Texas”; and

WHEREAS, many Texans were coerced to receive COVID-19 vaccinations against their preference without knowing the long-term effects; and

WHEREAS, many Texans lost their jobs, ability to attend school, access to public places, access to loved ones, and many other freedoms because they chose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine; and

WHEREAS, many COVID-19 vaccine mandates imposed by government entities, including the federal government, have been overturned in courts; and

WHEREAS, Texas healthcare workers are still subject to COVID-19 vaccine coercion and job loss because the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) mandate has been upheld in court; and

WHEREAS, the federal vaccine mandates put employers in the untenable position of making and enforcing healthcare decisions for individual employees; and

WHEREAS, informed consent is considered a standard ethical practice in every facet of healthcare treatment, except for COVID-19 vaccines under emergency use authorization by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); and

WHEREAS, we now know that COVID-19 vaccinated individuals can still become infected with and transmit COVID-19; now


  1. That the Republican Party of Texas agrees with Governor Greg Abbott’s call for a ban on ALL COVID vaccine mandates in Texas; and
  2. That the Republican Party of Texas defends medical freedom and affirms the rights of all Texans to make their own healthcare decisions without coercion; and
  3. That the Republican Party of Texas supports codifying informed consent in Texas; and
  4. That the Republican Party of Texas specifically endorses “The Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Freedom Act” (HB 81/SB 177) filed in the 88th Session of the Texas Legislature, and any future iterations of legislation that affirms Texans’ rights to medical freedom and informed consent.

The Legislative Priorities for the 88th Session (2023-2024) of the Texas Legislature are:

Protect our Elections:

Restore felony penalties and enact civil penalties for Election Code violations, which shall be enforceable by any Texas jurisdiction, including the Texas Attorney General. Require citizenship verification of each voter. Restrict the distribution of mail-in ballots to only disabled, military, and citizens that are out of state. Reduce the time allowed for early voting, and eliminate the three-day gap between early voting and election day. Establish closed primaries in Texas. As technology evolves, we encourage the passage of legislation that ensures the security of our elections. Sub-Committee Chair Devvie Duke

Secure the Border and Protect Texans:

Texas shall immediately deny all taxpayer funded services and subsidies to illegal aliens. We call upon the Governor to assert his duty under Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the US Constitution to declare an invasion on our Texas border and do everything in his power to protect Texans from this invasion. The legislature shall direct the Governor to enter into an Interstate Compact with one or more states for Border Security. Sub-Committee Chair Kelly Perry

Ban Gender Modification of Children:

Texas must ban chemical castration, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, genital mutilation, bodily alteration surgery, psychological/social transitioning, and any other methods applied to or performed on children. Sub-Committee Chair Jill Glover

Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids:

Repeal Texas Penal Code “Obscenity Exemption” 43.24(c), which allows children access to harmful, explicit, or pornographic materials and 43.25(f)(2 3), which allows sexual performance by a child. In addition, prohibit teaching, exposure, and/or discussion of sexual matters (mechanics, feelings, orientation, or “gender identity” issues), and prohibit use or provision of related books and other materials using criminal, civil or other enforcement measures. Sub-Committee Chair Christin Bentley

Ban Democrat Chairs:

To ensure all legislative Republican priorities are given a fair opportunity to become law, the Republican-controlled Texas legislature shall adopt a rule that would end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats. Sub-Committee Chair David Wylie

Abolish Abortion in Texas:

Abolish abortion by ensuring the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization, including adopting effective tools to ensure the enforcement of our laws to protect life when district attorneys fail to do so. Sub-Committee Chair Jon Ker

Defend Our Gun Rights:

Protect our gun rights against threats, such as red flag laws, federal, state or other restrictions, by strengthening and preserving our inalienable rights under the second amendment to protect our life, liberty and property. The Texas Legislature should eliminate gun-free zones. Sub-Committee Chair Chris Byrd

Parental Rights and Educational Freedom:

Parents are the primary decision makers for their children in all matters. This authority shall be protected as an inalienable right. This shall include the choice of schooling where the money follows the child without strings attached, and enforcement and penalty mechanisms when parents’ rights are violated. The right to education shall be free from any social theories. Sub-Committee Chair Tisha Crowe

To repel invasion and deter illegal immigration:

  • Creating a Texas Department of Homeland Security to prevent illegal entry and trafficking, and to deport illegal aliens to Mexico or to their nations of origin.
  • Prohibiting, with mandatory fines and jail time, individuals, corporations, non-profits, governments, and social media entities from assisting or inciting illegal entry.
  • Requiring the use of E-Verify by all employers in Texas with significant penalties for business owners who violate this requirement.
  • Ending all subsidies and public services, including in-state college tuition and enrollment in public schools, for illegal aliens, except for emergency medical care.

Securing elections from each citizen’s registration to the final count of legal votes by:

  • Requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote.
  • Requiring the Counties and the Secretary of State to update the voter rolls at least quarterly.
  • Requiring a mandatory photo ID for every election, without exception.
  • Restricting mail-in ballots to disabled, military, and eligible citizens who are out of their county for the entire voting period.
  • Using only hand-marked, sequentially numbered paper ballots on anti-counterfeiting paper that are signed on the back by the election official at the voting location.
  • Standardizing in-person voting, with early voting limited to a period of no longer than nine (9) days, no gap before Election Day, and assigned-precinct voting locations only.
  • Counting ballots in precinct using a dumb-scanner method as soon as the ballot is returned by the voter and with publication of the results prior to submission to the County.
  • Closing party primaries for only registered Republicans.
  • Explicitly codifying the ability of the Attorney General to prosecute violations of the Election Code.
  • Removing existing Secretary of State waivers to comply with current Election Code.

Stopping the sexualization of minors, which leads to abuse, exploitation, and trafficking, by:

  • Prohibiting taxpayer funding to any entities that permit or promote sexually inappropriate content to minors and legislatively banning instruction on sexual orientation and gender ideology in schools and libraries.
  • Repealing affirmative defenses in Texas Penal Code (43.24, 43.25) and redefining “harmful materials” to remove loopholes provided by the modified Miller Test.
  • Establishing an independent Inspector General for Education to investigate fraud, waste, abuse, and criminal conduct within schools and refer findings to prosecutorial authorities.
  • Compelling superintendents to report sex crimes within schools to outside law enforcement and removing immunity from civil liability for schools and their employees.

The Republican-controlled Texas Legislature shall end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats and require all committees to be majority Republican.

Prohibiting all forms of taxpayer-funded lobbying, including the use of tax dollars to hire lobbyists and payment of tax dollars to associations that lobby the Legislature.

Securing the integrity of Texas electricity production and delivery of abundant, reliable, and resilient energy, ensuring that the Texas grid can withstand any natural or manmade threat to include weather, cyber, physical, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and geomagnetic disturbances (GMD).

Banning the sale of real property in Texas, and discontinuing taxpayer funding and incentives, to governments, entities, and proxies of China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, and to individuals from these nations who are not legal permanent residents or citizens of the United States.

  • Resisting unconstitutional federal acts and mandates that restrict transportation, including mandatory kill switches in vehicles, road diets, and restrictions on the owner’s right to repair vehicles and equipment. Ensuring that Texans have medical freedom and can give or withhold consent for any vaccine or medical treatment without coercion, are not discriminated against based on vaccine status, and are not faced with any vaccine or medical mandate by public or private entities.

These priorities were chosen by delegates at the state convention, May 23-25, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas. Delegates were presented with a list of 15 topics selected by the Legislative Priorities Committee after a comprehensive review of resolutions passed at the precinct and senate district levels of the convention process. Delegates were allowed to vote on 8 topics, which became the official Legislative Priorities of the Republican Party of Texas.

Previous Legislative Priorities:

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